Chapter Four

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Professor Xavier keeps on telling us that we should not regret the past and learn from it instead. It sounds easy but actually it's not. At least in my case. I am not able to learn from the mistakes of my past because I have just repeated the biggest mistake today.

My best friend Rachel is lying unconscious in Kitty's arms and I am just watching her unsuccessful attempts to wake her up from above. I am lamed by this sight. What have I done? How could I have forgotten about Rachel being a part of the things that were floating under my control.

Slowly, I let myself sink to the ground. Surprisingly, Kitty does not care about me at all and picks Rachel up and leaves the room with her. I run after her.
"Kitty! Wait! I'm sorry!", I shout but she still does not notice me.

Kitty brings Rachel to Hank who is examining her without hesitating in his lab. I enter it fast before the door closes. "I'm sorry. I swear. I did not intend to do that.", I try again. Finally, she turns to face me. "I know that you did not want to hurt her but unfortunately you did. What the hell made you do that? This was incredibly unreasonable and I am deeply disappointed of you.", she says in a calm voice.

Tears spill into my eyes. "I am sorry. I was just angry and...and... I lost control. Sorry. I know that I am insane."

"You're not insane, okay?", she grabs my shoulders and looks deep into my eyes. "We will only have to work on your anger problem." She turns to Hank. "Hank, can you take a look on the Danger Room after you're done with Rachel? Our little telekinetic has caused a little damage." Hank smiles and says, "Sure."

"Thanks. Err... Lesson is over, I guess. Bye, Sofia. Don't let guilt eat you, okay?"

"I will try. Bye, Kitty."

She leaves Hank's lab with an unsure feeling. I know that she is disappointed in me but I also know that the Professor will be even more disappointed in me. He kept on telling me that I need to calm down and find something that keeps me in that state but there's nothing.

"I'm such an idiot, Hank." I exclaim sitting down on one of the chairs.

"You are not. What happened?" Hank connects Rachel to an IV.

"I got angry while we were in our first Danger Room session and I let Rachel crash against one of the walls."

"While the programme was shutting down?"

"Most likely and only by accident."

"Hey, don't worry. She's just got a small concussion. In an hour or something she will wake up again."

"It is still terrible."

"Yes, but I am sure that she will forgive you. You are best friends and best friends forgive each other."

"Are you sure? What if she will be afraid of me after this?"

"She won't. Rachel knows that you are a good soul. Everybody here knows that and we will never hate you for your passionate nature." He smiles at me, trying to reassure me.

"Thank you, Hank."

My gaze wanders to Rachel. It is scary that I don't catch up any thoughts from her. This is my fault.

"Hey, Hank? Who was Charles' good old friend who had problems to control his temper?"

Hank turns to me. "Who do you mean? There were many."

"The one who gained full control over his powers after he reached 'the point between rage and serenity'. Charles always compares me to him." Hank's jaw drops at my answer.

"Oh Sofia... that is a very long story.", he replies adjusting his glasses.

"So ... who is he?"

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