Chapter Nineteen

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I am a member of the Brotherhood since only a few hours but this is enough to learn plenty of things and this doesn't mean that I just learned all their names and abilities. I learned why the people fear them; it's their brutality and ruthlessness. I don't fear them for this because I saw how effective it can be.

Pyro, another former student of Xavier, has blown up the doors of the FoH headquarters with one flaming inferno of fire. Of course, there were victims but none of us cares. They are just silly humans. The Toad and Lady Deathstrike are taking out the rest; the guards, the employees and all the others obstacles with ease. Sabretooth and Callisto, the fastest of us, are heading to our main target, Donovan Zane, to capture him before he can escape. Magneto and I just observe how our plan is going well from above because he wanted me to be his backup just in case anyone of the others fails. The alarm has pulled of long ago and everyone is screaming but Magneto remains calm. He is sure that the heads of our enemies will roll today and I believe in this, too.

The whole building is at chaos and you can hear the police outside. "The police are here. We should act a little faster." I inform Magneto while we're flying to the main office. "Don't worry. We will have the idiot killed and escape before they will even reach us. And you are not afraid of them, are you?"

"Of course not...and I can sense Callisto, so we are already near." Magneto nods. Sabretooth has also left a blood strain as hint for us. Destroyed bodies are lying on the floor but I don't pity them. It was their fault because they chose to be here.

"Magneto! Here!" Sabretooth growls. He holds the door open for us and we fly in. Callisto and Sabretooth have done their work well and tied Donovan Zane to his chair so that he is unable to move or speak. The middle aged man looks panicked and is disparately screaming for help. Magneto is grinning again. "Mister Zane... what an honour to finally meet you in person." Magneto says in a surprisingly friendly tone. He acts like he is talking to friend. "We promised you that we will get our revenge and this is the moment. You were not prepared, huh?" "I was prepared! Let me go! Let me go!" he thinks. "This is what you call prepared? It only took us a few minutes to get here." My exclaim makes Sabretooth laugh. "You're a bad child." Sabretooth sends me mentally. I nod proudly because it's true.

Magneto pulls the chair towards him. "So ... what shall we do with you? I suppose that the only opportunity to heal the pain you've caused us is to cause you pain as well. And since the pain was very strong, we should bring you very strong pain, too... don't you think?" Magneto looks directly into Zane's eyes, which are spilled with tears of fear. He really knows how to terrorise people and I truly admire this ability. "Lady Polyglot... open the windows and make him fly with us outside. Callisto, Sabretooth, take care of the policemen. No mercy." We obey. Callisto and Sabretooth leave the office while I open the windows telekinetically and levitate Zane into the air. He started crying. How cute. "Let him follow us outside." Magneto orders and flies out of the window to hover in the air. I follow him with Zane under my control.

I look down beneath me and see that a huge crowd is watching us in fear. Camera teams have already found their way here along hundreds of people who are just there for a good show. They will get a good show, all of them. Magneto seems to think the same and directs all the cameras, which all have metallic components, to us. "This is a message for the Friends of Humanity. I want you all to see where your hate has led you to... Finish him, Lady Polyglot." Magneto's face shows no emotion now. I am pleased that he has given me the honour to kill this idiot. Of course, I will do this job as brutal as possible. I don't want to disappoint anyone, right? I pay the screaming crowd beneath my feet a short glance before I free Zane from the rope and tie it around his neck as narrow as I can. It's easy to tug the ends until the weak human is helplessly begging for air. I have the full control over his limps so he cannot free himself. "Very good." Magneto comments. I nod him thank you before I tug as hard I can. Zane's face is blue and his eyes are almost popping out. I can feel how life is leaving his body.

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