Chapter Sixteen

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A week has passed since we all have accomplished our missions. The life at the mutant mansion has normalised again and everybody has kept up with their daily routine but today is another special day because we mutants have to face a second challenge; the press.

Of course, The Professor and his entourage have spoken to the authorities about the FoH case which the press has learned about quite fast. This story was on every TV and radio show, in every newspaper and in every little forum on the internet. It is even considered as the biggest mutant scandal since '74 and has caused anti-FoH protests worldwide. In one hand, it's good to see that many humans are finally caring about our destinies but on the other hand it's also kind of sad that they only recognise the danger behind this organisation now. Personally, I think that the UNO, which is also dealing with this issue now, is only interested in this case because the media is making pressure. Well, at least they see it now and don't ignore it anymore.

Tonight, the whole mansion has gotten  together to see the interview of the Professor and Hank on TV. Surprisingly, they have agreed on giving America's most watched political show an interview. So far, they are doing well. Nobody has expected otherwise since both are skilled in such things and the Professor is a fucking telepath, so he could squeeze the right answers out of the host's mind easily. Raven declined coming with them because she does not like to be in the spotlight and, as I can tell, she is still not able to talk that freely about her experiences. The other ex-prisoners have the same feeling about this. This is okay because the Professor and Hank are representing us quite well and showing a broad mass what we mutants have been going through.

The host is asking questions over questions, trying to get as many pieces of information as possible. You can see that he is touched by the answers but his language is rather showing sensation hunger. The Professor and Hank remain serious and try to show no strong emotions but they are not emotionless either. We, the audience, are acting differently. Comments are made and several groans are audible. Nobody is judging our men but the host and his more than strange questions. Good that we are half through it.

I sit on the ground next to Lena and behind Rachel and Sorina. The rest of our mutant mansion has gathered around on the small couch and lots of chairs in front of the medium size TV in our living room. Just Logan is too cool to sit down next to his friends; most likely because Scott and Jean are holding hands and sitting next to each other on the couch. He just cannot stand the fact that Jean, his big love as I learned, has married Scott and is expecting a child from the psionic blasts shooting mutant as well. I have to admit that I still find it cute. The more you can see Jean's pregnancy, the more Logan is drowning in depression. I wonder why Logan can't be happy for her. She is clearly happy and what could you want more for the love of your life? Maybe, Logan is probably also pissed because the mansion is kind of filled with romance and love since Raven, Hank's big love, has returned. Today is the first time they are separated since she returned and I can sense that Raven does not feel good about it because it reminds her of the bad times. Holding her husband's big clawed hand, even in lesson, has helped her. It is heart-warming that there is so much romance in our mansion. I wonder if the FoH pricks know that mutants have such human feelings, too.

Lena taps my shoulder. "If Magneto showed up at the show now, it'd be way more interesting.", she whispers. I giggle because she is right. Magneto would not be so polite like Hank or the Professor. He would kick the host's ass and destroy the studio while giving an inspiring speech about mutant superiority. "Yeah. Magneto would wreak havoc!", I whisper back.

Just in the moment, the TV signal is suddenly getting worse and the images have disappeared. "Is it you, Jones?", Ororo asks. Jones, a technopath, shakes his head. Everyone is confused why the signal is suddenly gone. "Awesome. The TV is broke exactly now!", Scott mumbles annoyed to himself. "I guess that's it kids.", he adds but suddenly the signal returns. There is just something different than before; it's not the interview we see anymore but Magneto sitting presidential style behind a shining chrome desk. "What the heck, Lena!", I whisper angrily into Lena's ear. "What? It was not me... at least I hope!" The others are as confused as us.

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