Chapter Five

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As telepath, you can never be on your own in your head, even when you are listening to your favourite violinist playing the best riffs this world has ever heard. I hear how Sorina is fumbling with her French homework from reading her thoughts. I wish that I would be allowed to help her but I am not since Jean would find out easily that a polyglot did her homework like she did last time. Unfortunately, Sorina has no psychic block.

I wish that my thoughts would be filled with worries about French homework now but the images from my first Danger Room session and the stories Hank told me yesterday are still occupying my mind.

Rachel woke up from her coma yesterday evening and could remember everything. She was afraid as she saw my face so I decided not to talk to her. To my surprise, she did not tell the others how exactly she got her concussion. Instead, she has told Lena and Sorina that she has been distracted for a second as something hit her and she was thrown at a wall. Well, I'm thankful for that because the others don't see me as psychopath now. She is still at the infirmary, though, until her headache has disappeared completely.

I wonder how I'm going to apologise to her. Will she accept it? I really hope so because I've never felt so guilty in my life before, not even as I killed this girl from my former school. Rachel was innocent but the human girl wasn't and that is the difference. She deserved a punishment but Rachel did not.

The stories about Professor Xavier, Magneto and this Raven are not leaving me either. As promised, I kept them secret from the others but they have noticed that I behave differently when I am around Hank. It's because I get reminded of them every time I see him. I see Hank and Charles in a different light now since I know these dark chapters of their life. But this is not negative. Somehow, I respect them even more now because I recognise their strength. Neither of them shows their sorrow to us students but provide us a strong shoulder to cry on. Remarkable.

"Sofia?" Sorina screams, trying to be louder than Alexander Rybak whom I am listening to.

"What?", I snap taking one of my headphones out.

"Could you review my text, please?"

"No need to. I see from here that everything is correct."

Sorina shoots me an annoyed look. "Come on! Why are you so pissed since a few days?"

"I'm sorry but I just don't feel like doing anything today. I mean, it's Friday."

"Okay... whatever. But it won't kill you to check my little text here. I want to impress Ms Grey in the next lesson." Her voice sounds kind of desperate and her colourful eyes are trying to convince me as well. I groan and let the sheet fly to me. The text summary is very short but in correct French. "Told you that everything is correct." I let it float back to her.


"Croit-moi, mon amie. Tout est correct.*"

"Uh, thanks. So then... what shall we do? Just wait for Lena to return from her lesson?"

"Uh yeah. Sounds lovely."

I put my headphones back on and refocus on the music. This is how I like my Friday afternoons, lying in bed while listening to music and staring at the plain white ceiling. Sorina seems to think otherwise. Suddenly, she is hovering a meter over me, muttering something. I take my headphones out once again? "Can I help you?"

"Don't ignore me! Say something!", she pleads desperately.

"And what shall I tell you?", I ask annoyed. Why can't she never let me listen to my music?

"I don't know... maybe talk about your Danger Room session? You both didn't tell us anything about it. What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it. It was not a fun experience as like we imagined. We failed miserably."

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