Chapter Twenty

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As I first heard about the Danger Room and that I will enter it one day, I was excited. I had to wait almost a year for my first session because only then my teachers thought that my skills are good enough so that I could survive it. My first session was a disaster but my second one went perfect. Since then, I know that I am a skilled telekinetic. Meanwhile, I know that I am unbeatable. Not even Warp's new gained ability to shoot energy blasts can harm me.

She has hit me hard and I lost control but I caught myself in the very last second. Warp has noticed and is flying towards me. It's incredible that she can do so many things. Warp is basically a newbie in the mutant business compared to me but she is already on my level because she was never bothered by annoying voices in her head or any traumas like me. It's not only that; she is also damn talented in what she is doing. Every teacher loves her even if she has a power no one can predict. She is the only case known of a mutant who can warp reality but no one is afraid of her because she is, as already said, talented and nice. I actually like her but not now. She tried to hurt me.

"Listen Lena... I don't want to hurt you. I promised you that."

"Cute. I don't remember promising you this." She shoots another energy blast in my direction but it misses me thankfully. The previous one really hurt. "Good... if you want to play..." I quickly fly to her direction but she is quick, too, and flies to the opposite direction as me. Very smart of her to draft me away from my target but I am a little smarter. While she keeps on flying to the opposite direction, I head back to the jet which has taken on the race again. I cannot spot the helicopter anymore.

In my last Danger Room session, I had to master a flying challenge and I couldn't be more thankful for this now because it helps me to catch up with a super fast jet and to deal with the air which is almost cutting my face up. My left shoulder, which was hit by my super cute friend's energy blast, hurts as well. I most likely got burned.

"You won't enter the jet!", Warp shouts behind me fiercefully. She shoots some warning blasts but I concentrate on my path. I need to focus on the jet and its wings.

I am around 50 meters away from the jet and this means that I can take telekinetic control over it which I do immediately. Warp is not so good at flying yet and therefore not fast enough to catch up with me. I don't pity her, though. It's no big deal anymore to stop a jet from flying. The jet obeys to my powers immediately and stops midair. Warp continues to shoot energy blasts at me but they are just warning shots because she could hit me easily but she doesn't. Meanwhile, she is annoying me. "If you don't stop shooting I will throw this jet into your face and let you all drown!" I try to look as fierce as possible.

"What? You won't keep your promise? What a pity." There were times in which we wanted to give Lena the codename 'Sarcasm' instead of 'Warp' because of her constant sarcasm but we decided against it. In situations like this it would fit.

Lena flies to my side and grabs my right shoulder. "Last chance.", she mumbles.

I don't react to it and move the jet up telekinetically. The hatch is still open and I spot the third of my former best friend standing there watching us. No miracle that Lena didn't finish it now. Rachel would have never spoken to her again if she killed me. Rachel shows no emotion before she disappears in a silver lighning.

She reappears between me and Lena, touches us and teleports us into the jet. I lose my control over the jet immediately and it continues flying what makes us fall back. "What are you doing, Rachel? Have you gone mad? I am not coming back! NEVER!", I shout while getting up. The urge to strangle Rachel is big now. This is already the second time she bothers me today and now she has to pay. I want to run towards her but Lena stops me. She glues my boots to the metallic floor with her powers. This won't stop me really because my powers come from my brain not from my feet.

"We're not taking you to the school but to prison. The same goes for your entourage.", Rachel explains. Her voice is like her expression, emotionless.

"Prison? Good luck with that!" I have to laugh. Do they really think that they can throw me into prison today? I doubt that.

The Blackbird is Hank's favourite toy and I can relate why. It is full of gimmicks and one of them is that there are special laser like weapons attached to the ceiling. Cyclops knows about them for sure but the other two don't. Carefully, I release the two weapons telekinetically from the ceiling while putting my gloves in my pockets and catch them in my now bare hands. Rachel and Lena remain unimpressed as I point them at their heads. Finally, Cyclops turns around to face me. "These weapons won't work for you. Put them down." I laugh again.

"Do you really think that Hank hasn't registered me in the system? The weapons know my fingerprint and will work for me." I prove it with a shot into his shoulder and his foot. Cyclops falls down from his chair and winces in pain. Rachel runs to him without hesitation while Lena comes closer to me, her hands glowing red. "Don't move or you will end up like him. I mean it!" Lena stops and raises her hands slowly, ready to grab my throat. "If you try anything, you will die. All of you.", I whisper. Rachel looks scared and that's good. I point the weapons at both of their heads. "Where is Sapphire?"

"With your new friends. She's distracting them.", Rachel sends me telepathically. She doesn't dare to speak out loud. I smile at her. "Teleport me there." Rachel shoots me a fierce look and shakes her head. I tilt my shoulders and fire another shot at Cyclops. This time into his calf. He screams in pain and tries to open his visor with a shaking hand. I stop him telekinetically.

"Don't you dare, Cyclops. Teleport me there, Transcendence, or my next shot will hit Lena." I remain bold and put my finger on the trigger to emphasise that this decides over life and death. My gaze remains directed at Rachel while the gun is not touching Lena's forehead. "Please do it, Rachel.", Lena thinks looking at her. Unfortuately, she doesn't hear it. Rachel takes a deep breath and walks towards me. She puts her hand on my shoulder and we change the location.

Rachel has telepoted me right next to the helicopter. I quickly fly back in and start laughing hysterically. Sapphire is influencing me like she does with the others who are laughing like idiots, too. She has some scratches on her arms but is widly unharmed. I still have the guns in my hands and point them at her head while I am still laughing. I cannot guarantee not to fire if she doesn't stop playing with emotions. Her deep green eyes are focused on the shaking guns in my hand. "What are you gonna do with these?", she asks sceptically. I don't manage to say a word or to even keep the balance. I sink down on my knees and keep on laughing hysterically like the others. "Leave!", I manage to croak in between laughing attacks. Sorina might be the cutest and youngest of us four but she is not to undestimate. Once in her ban, you lose control over your feelings completely.

I fumble with the weapons in my hands, trying to show her that I will fire if she doesn't let go of us. Sabretooth and Toad are rolling on the ground already. "Okaaaay..." Sorina looks at me. The urge to laugh my lungs out turns into tiredness and her eyes have changed into light grey. My eyes are slowly dropping and I must yawn. "Leave or you will die!", I try again but she remains on her place and shakes her head. I feel like I haven't slept for days. I try hard to stand up but it's almost impossible. The same goes for my telekinetic powers. It's hard to focus if you are tired as hell. My head almost drops to the ground but suddenly I regain my normal state again. I look up at Sorina who suddenly has a slime mask on her face. "Ha! I told you that you can't deal with us little girl!", Toad exclaims happily. This seems to be his work. Sorina tries to rip it off her face while making disgusted noises but she fails. "I saw enough.", Sabretooth shouts and takes Sorina into his arms and throws her out in one move. She squeeks but I let her fall into the water. We aren't in the highest heights so a fall into the water won't kill her.

"What the heck was that?", Pyro wonders out loud. Everyone is trying to collect themselves.

"She can manipulate emotions but her ban lets loose if you distract her a little. Well done, Toad." Toad taps his hands on my shoulder. "You did well, too, girl. Crashed a plane alone... that's badass." Toad has a creepy smile but I appreciate it anyways. I look out of the window and notice that the Blackbird has indeed crashed and is swimming in the river now. A small part of me feels sorry for them but the majority of me feels pride. I killed Donovan Zane, the man who is responsible for torturing people of my kind, and defeated the X-Men. I have never been so happy before in my life.

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