Chapter Fifteen

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Sorina, Lena and Rachel tried to distract themselves from the incident earlier today with watching all the crazy videos Rachel has on her laptop and telling stories from home. Meanwhile, it's evening and I have to say that we had a pretty good time if you forget the fact that someone tried to kill us in our safe sancutary. It almost gave me the feeling that the closest friends I have on earth do not recognise me as their biggest fear. Yes, I even thought that they appreciate my presence like they used to when we all first met.

How we used to laugh about Sorina who almost got a heart attack as she saw Hank for the very first time and she all lamed us with her fear, how Lena showed us that she can change her pyjama's colours just by will, how Rachel teleported around the room as fast as a lighting, how I talked to them in every language they dared me to, how we used to laugh about all these things. We became friends just the following day. These are wonderful memories which I will always cherish. I even consider the three girls I share my room with as the sisters I never had, my own blood. This is how strong our friendship has grown in the few months we know each other and that's why it hurts that they see me in a different light now. They started ignoring my presence since we were at the mall where we encountered Magneto. There they started disagreeing with me. None of them wants to admit the change in their relationship to me but, as telepath, I know better. It's a pity but I feel that they still like me deep inside.

The rest of our teachers have arrived just an hour ago but no one dares to leave their room. I wonder what they did to erase the blood scene I left them. More important, what do the guys at the Friends of Humanity headquarters think about their whereabouts? I hope, they have learned that they should never attack us again. It would also be interesting to know the results of the discussion the Professor and his entourage had with the government. The media did not report about anything today but I am sure that they will tell us soon. I am worried that they were still unsuccessful because otherwise they would not remain silent but beam with happiness and shout it out. Perhaps, something else is going on.

The others are still watching one of these comedic cooking shows which Rachel has recorded. It's very funny but I'd rather grab something to eat. It made me hungry. "Aren't you hungry, too?", I ask the others.

"Yes, a little but we are not allowed to leave our rooms, remember?", Rachel answers.

"The teachers are back and according to Kitty we are allowed to get out when The Professor is back. So... are you coming with me to the kitchen?" They exchange a look and agree. Rachel teleports us to the kitchen.

"Oh shit!", Rachel curses as she spots the bowl with the cake dough in it. We have totally forgotten about it. At least, we did not forget it in the oven. Rachel mixes the thick dough with a spoon. "Do you think that we can still bake this?", Rachel wonders.

"Sure... unless you put all the ingredients in it.", Lena answers. I don't even remember if Rachel was finished. "Why not?" Rachel decides to try to bake it anyways. A nice apple pie a la Xavier will help everyone to get into a better mood.

Meanwhile, we take out some crisps from the cupboards and some coke bottles. In silence, we go back to our room. I hesitate, a little before I enter. "I will go to the toilet, okay?", I tell the others and go to the direction of the toilets. Of course, I don't need to go to the toilet. I just want to see what Kitty and Bobby did to the entrance hall, so I head there.

The halls are empty of course and everything you hear is some deaf dialogue coming from each room. One dialogue is catching my attention. You can clearly hear Logan arguing in The Professor's study. I am usually not interested in other people's talks but this time I cannot withstand my curiosity. Maybe, they are discussing something about our FoH case, so I decide to eavesdrop but in my way. I scan the minds in the study and enter Bobby's.

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