Chapter Twenty Six

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As I was ten years old, I had the opportunity to work as translator for the EU for one week. I was shown around the parliament and all the other buildings in Brussels. It was very interesting to see the system which is ruling over a majority of Europe from the inside but my heart was always beating for a way bigger institution, the UNO. As I was small, I always wanted to work for them and today I am here with an exclusive pass to see them do their work. Unfortunately, I am just here as supporter for my mutant mates. Of course, I am here incognito since I am a wanted criminal.

Magneto and I were granted access along with the others who are here to support our speakers due to some mental manipulation. On Raven's suggestion, we are wearing normal clothing, wigs and even some make up. She is the mistress of disguise so we trusted her. Of course, this disguise is only until the Professor will present Magneto as surprise speaker and in case someone will spot us while he is speaking.

Xavier’s speech in front of the UN has caught much attention from the media. The topic was only revealed as he started speaking though. Everyone in the hall was deeply shocked as they heard that he wants to discuss the option of a new country. Everyone is civilised here so nobody freaked out and lets him speak out. As far as I can tell, there are some countries which are not opposed to this idea all. I have a good feeling about today.

Xavier’s entourage, or at least a part of it, is here. Jean is in labour today so Cyclops and Hank remained at the school. Iceman and Shadowcat have also agreed on staying behind to take care of the children. The others are here with us to witness this historical moment. Toad and Lady Deathstrike have agreed on staying back, too, since they aren’t into politics and such stuff. It’s their loss.

“I think that he’s going to announce you every moment now, so get ready.” Storm informs Magneto who nods and takes his wig off. Well, it’s time because he’s been speaking since almost half an hour now. “Good luck.” I whisper to him. “Thank you, but I won’t need it, my dear.” He is so confident but I also must admit that he has all rights to be.

“…I am not the only voice you should listen to today.” I hear Xavier say, so the moment has come, “Our society is like every other full of diversity and nobody is representing this diversity better than one of my oldest and closest friends. His voice stands for all the unheard and misunderstood people among us and therefore it means a lot to me to have him here now. Please welcome my friend, Erik Magnus Lehnsherr.” The shock is visible in each face in the hall. Magneto stands up and walks up to the speaker’s desk. “Ladies and gentlemen, please. There is no need for drama, just listen to his heart.” The Professor rolls back to us and lets Magneto speak freely.

“In case, there are any guards coming up, you are all free to stop them somehow but remain nice.”  He sends us.

Magneto starts speaking. “Ladies and gentlemen, I know what you are thinking of me but I am not letting this opinion drag me down in any way. I am not here to start a fight but to inform you about my life. As some may know, I am a holocaust survivor. I lost my family in it and this traumatised forever. I never want something like this to ever happen again, to nobody, but I saw that it already happened and there was even more planned for my race. After the Second World War has ended, you gave the Jewish people a nation for redemption, as apology for the holocaust.” He remains very diplomatic for his measurements but I can sense that he is trying really hard not to freak out and let the metal decoration fall on top of their heads. “Where is the apology for the planned holocaust on the mutant race? I was also a witness of this second torture and if there wouldn’t be the mutant groups fighting for their rights, the mutants would be extinct today. Do you want to see this again? Can you really tolerate another holocaust? If you want to prevent this give us a place to be as redemption, as an apology.” He has hit a point but he hasn’t given them enough yet. “I am speaking in all honesty and with all my heart blood. And as prove I am offering you one of the most precious things in my life; my freedom. If you have so much brains to grant us this wish of an own nation I will sacrifice my freedom for it. If not, my Brotherhood and I will start a riot like never seen before and you all now us. So please think of our offer. Thank you for your attention.” Magneto leaves the speaker’s desk leaving everyone stunned and shocked, giving me a serious glare. The X-Men are furious because he ended his speak with something radical again but they don’t show their emotions. Sorina is trying very hard not to influence anyone, but I am proud because this is  Magneto how I know him. He is the man who inspired me, showed me who I really am and what my destiny is and he has guided me into a glorious path.

Last night, he told me that we are warriors in a very bloody war and this means that we all need to lose something that we have embraced our whole lives. I think that he meant what he has just offered the world and he is right. So, it’s time to copy my idol one last time.

I stop the Professor telekinetically from rolling back to the speaker’s desk and walk past him ripping my blonde wig off my head as well. The delegations are shocked once again as they spot me, Magneto’s right hand, as well. There is a loud mumble in the room. “Ladies and gentlemen… for the mutant race… I am sacrificing my freedom as well. I have committed many crimes in my young life and I am willing to stand up for them if we all can finally reach the goal I and the rest of the Brotherhood have always been fighting for; freedom and equality for mutants. If you give us the rights to build a nation of our own, I will accept every punishment for my past; may it be prison, hard work or even death.”  This was a little too dramatic but I hope that they know that I was honest.

If the price for the desired freedom, equality and the happiness the mutants have always deserved is my imprisonment or even my death, then let it be. 

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