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My first word was spoken at the age of two weeks. My first sentence was said at the age of three months. My first foreign language was perfectioned at the tender age of 18 months. How is that possible, you wonder? My brain is not normal. It is the brain of a mutant.

Yes, I am a mutant, one of these so called "freaks". My outward apearance is quite normal because my mutation is only cerebral. This means that only my brain is mutated. It is omnilingual, so able to understand, speak, read and write every human language perfectly. A good mutation, right? It is but I also have to disappoint you because this is not the only aspect of my mutation. There are more things wrong with my brain, things that aren't so helpful, like the ability to read thoughts and to move objects with pure mind power. You still think that it's a wonderful mutation? Well, for me, it's not. These are abilities which are hard to control and I am sure that one day, they will cause a lot of trouble.

At the moment, I am a student at Xavier's school for gifted youngsters, a school dedicated to the cause to teach young mutants like me how to control their abilities. It is my home since almost a year and I have improved my abilities a lot.

My name is Sofia Petrescu, I'm a 17-year-old Romanian girl. I am a nerd, an outsider and a mutant.

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