Chapter 5: The Unforgettable Hangout at the Woods

Start from the beginning

"So, what are we going to be doing?" Josh asked, standing up straight after he caught his breath. 

"That wasn't so much of a polite greeting now, was it, Joshua?" Diana crossed her arms as she glared at him. 

"It's been three years, and it's still just Josh." He rolled his eyes, but his mocking smile returned. "But ah, you're killing me, Diana Rose."

"But clearly not enough, seeing you're still here." She shot back with a matching smile. 

"You're right. You're holding back." He teased. "You enjoy my presence more than you let on, Collins."

"I know. I can't imagine living without someone so easy to insult." She said, her face dropped to a sad pout.

"Glad to be of use, Dian." Josh dipped his imaginary top-hat before rolling his eyes and laughing. 

"Sup, Aly." He nodded to Alyssa and she waved back. He turned his tall figure to face me as he took a few steps closer, leaning in with a smirk on his face.

"Hey Kris." He winked, his green eyes twinkled behind a lock of his hair, golden in the sunlight. Over the past year he had grown up quite a bit, though more on the physical than mental side, along with his brother. I could almost see what all the girls kept drooling over. It had taken me three years since I've met him, but slowly even I couldn't help becoming susceptible to his charm.

"Josh." I greeted, but put a smirk on my face too. No way was I going to give him any more indication  that whatever he's doing was actually working. 

Josh turned back to Diana, hands dug into his pockets as he faced her. "Hello, Diana." He said dryly.

She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at him. She raised an eyebrow, but didn't respond.  We all stood there for a couple more seconds before Josh looked at her, and then at each of us, in exasperation. "Really?"

He faced his brother, but Zac just raised his hands, shaking his head. "You shouldn't have made her mad, dude."

He looked at Alyssa and I and we just smiled sympathetically. We've all, in a way, been there. And this wasn't the first time he's had to do it. He looked back at Diana and she looked at him expectantly. He groaned and got down to his knees. I had to hold back a laugh as he bowed down and chanted, "Good Jolly  Morning, thy gracious Majesty." And looked up to Diana.

She uncrossed her arms, and gave him a small pat on the head. "I don't appreciate the sarcasm, but it'll have to do. Come on let's go, I can't wait to do this."

"You don't appreciate sarcasm?" Josh laughed. "That's a first."
"And the last, because I never plan on saying it again." Diana shuddered. "Sarcasm is life."

Diana headed closer towards the woods, followed by Zac and Alyssa, leaving me to wait while Josh picked himself up. 
"I swear, that girl is crazy." He muttered.

"I know." I responded, laughing as he tried to brush off the dirt and grass now stuck to his jeans. "Come on, they're waiting."

I started walking and soon enough he fell into step beside me.

"So Kristen, haven't seen you in a while. How've you been?" The words rolled off his tongue smoothly.

"By a while, are you referring to when I saw you last weekend?" I said. "If so, well, I've been pretty good."
"Pretty good?" He asked, his face looked as though I had insulted him. "Without me? Ridiculous."

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