Chapter 4: Part 2: One More Day Would Suffice...

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A/N: I have nothing to say yet other than it's 3AM and I can't sleep so here's ur chappy two days early, you're welcome. You know the drill. "Leo's tall structure leaned over me as a blonde kid apparently named Percy sat on his shoulder" is a no-no. Though tbh I just made that up but I'd love to see that. Anyway for someone with nothing to say I sure do talk a lot, so please. Proceed.


~Kristen's POV~

"What do you want to do in the future?" I asked him, after telling him my dreams of being one of the paid explorers, to go around the world into deep forests and small towns, because being paid to live a new life every day and eat new food is the dream.

"Now, my dream job is to become the king of the world." Leo grinned at me cheekily, his wavy hair swaying over his eyes as he walked. "But, if that doesn't work out. I might go to university. Decide on some course, and finally earn the title of PhD."

"Pizza Hut Delivery?" I narrowed my eyes teasingly.

He laughed and looked at me, squinting his eyes in amusement. "Since when have you been so witty?"
"You underestimate me, Valdez." I grinned.
"Clearly." He laughed. "Let me ask though, Black, how is it that a girl even more anti-social than I am, can be so self-confident?"

I grinned at him longer, as I started explaining how it works. "This is how I see it. I'm a nobody, and... nobody is perfect. Therefore, I am perfect."

"Oh yeah, the basis of truth lies secretly behind those lines of logic." He laughed. I laughed along with him, but inside I couldn't help but agree with him. I wasn't exactly the most social person. Even in my head I came to terms with the fact that if my best friend wasn't there, I wouldn't have any friends at all. I've known the twins and Alyssa for a year, but I still wasn't as close to them as I found myself with Leo. He just seemed so... easy to talk to. I wasn't as nervous around him as I usually was around strangers.

"You're not a nobody." I heard him whisper. So faintly, I almost missed it.
"What?" I asked, and I almost melted when I saw how much emotion... was it sadness? Anger? I wondered, storming in his eyes.

"You're more of a person than a lot of people I've met." He said with a small smile, not once looking away. "And for a shy guy, I've met a lot of people."

"Right. You consider yourself shy?" I smiled.

"Not really." He chuckled. "But I'm not about to go to random house parties to go meet people either."

I laughed, but didn't say anything else.

We kept walking, no one saying a word. I took in the leaves waving from the trees from the park as we headed to the lake.
"I'm serious, by the way." He said. I looked at him, and couldn't help but smile a bit.

"If I'm more of a person than a lot of people, then I guess you really must be a shy guy." I said. "Because I doubt you meet as many people as you think."

"So you say." He laughs. "You know, you should be as witty as you are now with me, all the time."

"Oh yeah?" I narrowed my eyes at him, holding back my own laugh. "And why do you say that?"

"Because you become twice as attractive." He smirked. I almost stopped in my tracks, my heart practically bursting from my chest. It took me a little while to think of a response, but I had to quickly before his smirk grew any wider.

Remember Me? (Percy Jackson-- Leo Valdez Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon