Chapter 4: Part 1: Presents

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A/N: Okay so I saw a comment yesterday saying that they didn't like how there's swearing in here, but in my defense all I put was the damned word. But I get what you mean, but I wanted to put it because you know. Emotional emphasis and all that. I won't put any worse words other than maybe female dog or something. But really in real life I HATE swearing (Update 05/31/016: yeah fucking right). My brother does it all the time and I get annoyed. But I just thought it'd sound okay in the book. SO PLEASE BEAR WITH ME. You know what to do. "Oh my god Leo can fly if he shouts 'Flame On' that's so cool". *Comments*. HAHAH ANYWAY PLEASE. PROCEED. 


~Kristen's POV~

Diana had her arm linked in mine as she dragged me back to the twins and Alyssa, and got caught up in their conversation about which was the better superpower, invisibility or teleportation. Cough cough, obviously it's shapeshifting.

I glanced to my left and noticed Josh was sitting closer to me than usual. Before, I don't think I would have paid it any mind, but right now discomfort began to cloud my mind. I knew he liked me, since Diana has been badgering me about it since she found out, but I never could get myself to see him that way. It was like falling in love with your brother. In other words, weird.

My mind suddenly went to a few minutes ago when Diana said in front of Leo that Josh liked me, and how my mind almost went blank after my ears had been pounded by the sound of my heart beat rising. I had thought about how I didn't like Josh back, and how I wanted to kill Diana for saying it in front of Leo. I had also thought about how I wish it were Leo's name Diana used those words with instead.

I remembered accidentally saying 'but he doesn't like me back' out loud, and my cheeks began to heat up again from the embarrassing memory. I can't believe you said that in front of Leo, you idiot. I scolded myself.

I looked down when I realized what I admitted. I still wasn't used to admitting any feelings like this. But a small smile manage to creep its way onto my face at the thought. I liked Leo. I didn't know how much I liked Leo, but enough to feel my stomach churn every time he was around, both in a painful yet somewhat comforting way. Diana called them butterflies, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to let them continue, or exterminate them.

I couldn't get over the surprise I had felt when I found out he had done so much work to get all of this ready. I was more than impressed, and touched by how much effort he had put into something just for Diana and I. He's just so—

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt someone nudge my shoulder. I looked to my side and saw Josh looking at me, mouthing 'are you okay?' I nodded, and he smiled before and turning back to the group conversation. I blinked a few times before looking around, and realizing he wasn't here anymore.

"Where's Leo?" I asked out loud. I almost missed the twitch Josh's mouth made at the sound of his name as I looked to Diana. She shook her head.

"No idea. He was there just a minute ago." She said, looking back at the chair behind us.

I nodded, a faint frown on my face. "I'll uh... just go check up on him." I smiled apologetically to them.
Josh gave me a questioning look, but I gave him another smile like I did to the others, and left without another word.

In this situation Diana always told me that usually I would, or should, feel guilty. How could I do that to Josh, falling for Leo, while he was right there? I didn't know what to do either... Leo had told me he felt something, but for some reason I couldn't speak up. I couldn't admit anything. Being annoyed by all the emotions I was meant to feel about it all, I shook away the guilt and kept walking up the stairs.

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