Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 :)

"Bestie ! How are youuuuuuu !" Joanne barged into the room, letting the whole world know her presence in my room. Sigh, that was how loud she can be sometimes. I knew that I wouldn't be able to take a good sleep on my bed now that she was present in my room, because she was just the type of person who couldn't keep still . While she was jumping around my room admiring my pink-coated walls, I was trying to get back into my sleep.

Just like what I mentioned, my room was painted with a coat of sweet pink , and there were a few photos of me and Mum hung up. My study table was located at the right corner of the squared room, with piles of books and "educational materials" which filled up the table. A princess wardrobe was displayed to enhance the "royality" of the room, and not to mention that everything was pink. Basically, a room just my taste. Pink.

If you're asking , mornings aren't exactly pleasing, and like most people, I wasn't an early bird. I mean, if you could get more sleep , why not? And who would have expected a visitor at six thirty in the morning ? Though it still remained as a mystery to how she could have entered into my house when I didn't remember giving her my house key.

"Joanne, you came here so freaking early ! Your hyperness can't get me any better with my eyes following you jumping around and I can't get back to sleep." I rubbed my droopy eyes, sounding pissed off . Irritation is one small little part of her I can't stand too much , but that's just one small little part .

"I'm so sorry ! I'm so so sorry , your majesty for disturbing your beauty sleep." She immediately stood on her knees and bowed down apologising. Well, that was her being too dramatic . I sat up from my bed and rolled my eyes at her. Some act she's putting up in the morning. Something's fishy indeed.

"Now that I'm awake, I'm asking you for an explanation why are you here in my house at six thirty before the sun rise. " I demanded.

"I was thinking of giving you a surprise... Let's hangout today, okay?" She bounced up and down on my springy bed, squealing in excitement. And this was something we just couldn't agree on. For a start to even begin with, it was a miracle the nerd and the popular became best friends. But when it comes to going out, where to? The library or the mall? There comes a heated argument.

"You know this is a touchy topic, uh-huh?" I glared at her, which made her pout her lips along with  her puppy-eyes begging for my approval . Mall mall mall, all I knew was to sit by the benches for almost the whole day, waiting for her to come out of the dressing rooms. 

Guys, now I totally feel you.

And then there would something to do with lending a hand to carry those bags of clothings, just thinking about doing all these stupid bloody things completely ruined my mood . Especially mentioning this topic at six thirty in the morning. Who would have the mood to even think about it? Well, not for me. 

"But Rainie, I promise I won't take long, pleasssse." She dragged the last word.

"Nopppe. know what I want huh." I wiggled my eyebrows, obviously hinting something.

"Unless?" She blinked her eyes innocently at me. Finally , she understood what I meant after what seemed like eternity. FOOD. Her eyes sparkled in excitement and happiness, holding my hand dramatically, crying out, "RAINIE. FOOD. I WILL BUY YOU FOOD."

She definitely knew me well. Food was all it needed to sastify me. Besides, Rainie Stacey Brooke aka the Nerd wasn't the type of person to burn my fats in the gym for the whole day. Calories weren't such a big deal anyway, I don't go for diets. It's just not me .

"Now that seems like a good idea," Nodding my head and giggling. After all, who could win over Joanne when it comes to arguing ? Besides, waking up at six thirty in the morning was an achievement , which calls for a celebration. Trying to think positively wasn't going to help my eyes which were threatening to droop down though and I wasn't sure if my eyes would be able to stay opened. Reminding myself to have Starbucks to keep me awake, I reluctantly got up of bed and washed myself up.

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