Joyce v.s Attinger

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At the company, KSI...

Joyce really wanted to have a serious talk with Attinger in his office.

As they met up, Joyce was visiting down his desk chair, putting his hand under his chin. He knew this thing would not end well.

"Well, I am quite impressed with this deal, you get the seed, and in return for that, you can share your billionaire money," Attinger smiled with happiness. But it didn't feel right for Joyce. He looked at huge thin flatscreen in his wall, seeing the view of the planet Earth. Realizing that the seed is not worth it to him anymore. He knew about Unicron, and Galvatron. He didn't want this planet to get destroyed.

In his mind, Attinger was a bad government man. He didn't want this mess anymore. He started this company with a dream, to make a world a better place. Not to build an army of man made machines that could also extinguish the innocent citizens.

"Well, why don't we take a beep.... on this?" Joyce stood up.

"Your not backing me out?" Attinger asked with surprise.

He had his hands clamped together behind his back, wanting to know why Joshua said that straight to his face.

"No, no, I'm saying that this whole... operation thing that we're doing to save innocent lives, I may have to... shut it down," Joyce said.

"What? You're not actually meaning that Joyce?" Attinger felt like he was about to explode.

"Well, you see, you know that I have been confronting the Autobots, them, and well... Galvatron is not controlled by any one. They were explaining about you filthy asset and this clone of Optimus Prime, who seems to be planning to rise our core from the middle of this very planet," Joyce said.

"I do not believe in fairytales, my asset is to capture Prime," Attinger said sternly.

"No, you see not only Optimus but his... wife?" Joyce shrugged.

"Wife?! How'd... I can't think about it right now Optimus having a robotic, insignificant girlfriend!" Attinger roared with anger.

"She's not what you expect to be, she's a Prime, like Optimus is, she's intelligent, and what you do with you dumb, operation, Cemetery Wind, is just doing ICKY. ILLEGAL SHIT! Joyce shot back at him.

"And I knew how you started this company, becoming a billionaire, since you here a bit Joyce, why shutting down the operation? I thought you had this, but I feel like now that this company is not worth to me visiting and talking specific, accurate conversations," Attinger said as he growled.

The intercom:

Joyce! Joyce! Galvatron has been hacking into the others! We got to evacuate the whole building this instant!

Damn! We gotta meet up with others at the location, a different location.

"Alright, alright BingBing, call a vehicle to transport Attinger so he can get out safely," Joyce said on his phone as he pushed Attinger into the elevator.

"Joyce, what's going on?" Attinger asked in a demanding tone.

"Just evacuate," Joyce said as the elevator doors shut in front of Attinger's face.

Joyce walked to his the office and called Darcy up, along with BingBing.

"Darcy, get us car immediately, we have trip to got to," Joyce said.

They three had to get out immediately, even Galvatron knows what he is doing as well, which is the same thing that Joyce is planning before Attinger finds out.


Darcy parked up her car as the base was evacuating. BingBing was with him.

Darcy opened her car door.

"Get in," she said.

Joyce and BingBing got in the car and Darcy sped off leaving Attinger behind, who is about to find his asset...

Author's Note:

Sorry for the last update. Again. Sorry, I'm kinda pretty slow doing this story, but just stayed tuned....

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