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Remember the date that Optimus and Eclipse is doing at a beautiful field of flowers?:


"Can we... bond?" Eclipse asked.

"We'll find out....

Stay tuned... this is the next chapter is about to be continued....

Optimus's P.O.V:

As I leaned my face closer to Eclipse's face and was about make contact, I could feel my spark beating.

Then I sensed something near us is very bad, I could hear whistling sound, high pitched.

So I tackled Eclipse so we wouldn't both get hit by it, we could have been already dead.

"Optimus! What the hell was that?!" She screamed as she heard the explosion.

"Something is wrong, someone is trying to kill us," I helped her stood up.

"Who was trying to kill us?" Eclipse asked.

I looked around and saw someone familiar, someone who he fought with for a very long time, not his brother, someone who looks like him. Even Eclipse took a look at him and Optimus back and forth.

"Optimus, who is that?" Eclipse asked with worry as she laid her hand on my chest.

"It cannot be..." I gasped as I saw who it was.

"Optimus Prime, it has been awhile, and I see you have a new friend," Nemesis said.

"I thought I scrapped you, you are supposed to be dead!" I growled.

"You two know each other?" Eclipse asked.

"Of course my dear, he is my good twin, I'm his anti twin from a different dimension, isn't that right? Optimus I have missed you very much until this day, you will perish, and your femme friend," Nemesis chuckled maliciously.

"Stay away from him!" Eclipse defended me as she growled.

I put my hand on her shoulder. I nodded as I was showing her support. But I didn't want her to fight for me...

"Eclipse, stay behind me," I ordered.

"But-" She asked.

"Please, that is an order, do you understand soldier?" I growled a little.

She simply nodded in silence and stood right behind me, but I could've swore that she is peeking fright from behind.

"Aww, your femme wants to protect you, the fearless leader, how insignificant of your femme is," Nemesis laughed as he shook his head.

"She is not insignificant, she is brave like I am and you will not get past me and her, and this day, you will perish like you should've done on Cybertron," I growled as I transformers my servo into my sword.

"Oh, I doubt it will happen, and I will destroy what you care about most," Nemesis growled.

"You will not touch one servo on Eclipse!" I yelled.

"If I did, I will be sure damn happy to see how I will enjoy to make her and you die slowly, nice and easy until completely dead," Nemesis said.

"Stay behind me!" I yelled back at Eclipse and attacked first head on at Nemesis.

Optimus..." Eclipse whispered as she cried. She didn't want him to die. Not even herself...

She wasn't going down with a fight.

"I gonna to make sure you're gonna be offlined by the end of this very day!" I exclaimed.

"I doubt you and admire you Optimus, you're just like me, you're Nemesis, I can see it in your optics, I can feel your anger," Nemesis chuckled.

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