Departing for KSI and Confront

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3:45 in the morning, today's the day, I am awake and Optimus he was getting ready and he told me to wait until the rest if us is ready to go.

He was so generous.

For a Prime.

Hey, come on, gentlemen treat their ladies respect and like a graceful, fairytale princess.

He was like that too. He was treating me more special than any other femme has, it was amazing.

I thought.

He said he would be back, but not right now, so I still stayed on the bed but thinking and looked out of the window, seeing stats in the morning.

Just imagine how beautiful they all are.

And visualize being up there and getting my head in the stars, like a real dream come true.

"Oh god," I sighed quietly.

I looked around in the room until I heard this:


"The hell?" I looks to see what that was, a huge metal piece fell in somewhere in this berth room.

I now realized that it wasn't a hunk of metal, it was a sword, unlike anything I have seen before.

As I picked it up, it had a message in it saying:

Dear Eclipse, This is Primus, here is this sword because I sensed Optimus has trained you very well last night, and this sword means honor and protection, this sword will defend you and the rest if the team as well, use it wisely,
From: Primus.

My own sword, sent from Primus? But how could...

Never mind, it was mine and I had to make sure to use it wisely, as I grasped the sword, it glowed as energon would glow, it was amazing and unique.

"Whoa..." I gasped.

Whenever there's danger, it means it will glow brightly.

It's awesome!

"Eclipse?" Optimus asked.

"Oh! Hey, babe, are you even done?" I whined.

"Why the whining, give me 2 or more minutes until we're ready," Optimus walked up to me.

"Okay," I looked at my sword.

"What it that?" Optimus asked as he observed the object in my servos.

"Something, it was a gift from Primus, I read the message," I said.

Optimus narrowed his optics into the writing on the sword.

"It's considered to be a gift, because now your a fully well-trained Prime," Optimus said.

I hugged him, knowing how much I thank him front training me last night.

"Thank you," I said.

"Your welcome," Optimus hugged me back.

I wish this mess was all over. The extinction of human kind, so I would have a family like normal humans do, with Optimus.

"Optimus, how long must we wait till all this mess is over?" I asked with such worry.

"I have to be honest with you, I don't know," Optimus said.

"Oh my god, Optimus!" I cried on his chest.

He felt bad, because he also wanted this to be over as well, but you have to have patience...

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