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Since I'm a Prime and I'm going feel so different...

What will Optimus even say?

He'll probably be speechless.

What does it matter? I'm part of him, we're were already bonded before Primus saw me in my own vision or dream.

"I have to find Optimus," I walked out of the medical room and then heard someone say:

"Eclipse?" Bulkhead asked.

I turned around and saw Bulkhead.

"Hi Bulk," I smiled as I waved.

"Oh god, you look like... a Prime, almost like Optimus," Bulkhead walked up to me.

"Ummm..." I bit my lip.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Bulk, I met Primus in my vision and well you see, me and Optimus are already sparkmates and then:


"He turned me into a Prime," I finished explaining.

Then Bulkhead's lower of his mouth dropped and clattered on the floor.

"What!?" Bulkhead asked but I covered his mouth and he muffled.

"Shut up! Please Bulkhead would you keep quiet?" I asked as I took my hand from his mouth.

"Are you crazy, you can be serious," Bulkhead said.

"Primus said it was alright, with him and it was my decision to be Optimus's sparkmate, do you understand loud and clear?" I asked.

"Okay, I'll keep quiet, and thanks for letting me know," Bulkhead reached down and grabbed his lower mouth piece and put it back on.

"Thank you, you are the best friend I ever had," I hugged him.

"Aww, well it was nothing, and hey, good luck with Optimus," Bulkhead smiled.

"Thanks, you may be dismissed," I nodded.

Bulkhead continues on and walked down the hall.

While I walked to Optimus's berth room and opened his door, he was sitting at his desk.

"Optimus?" I asked.

He stood up and turned around.

"Eclipse, I'm glad.... Holy mama," he stared at me in silence.

He was used his optics and looked up and down from head to toe.

"Wow, you look hot," he crossed his arms.

"Why do you keep it dark in here?" I turned the light switch in and walked to him.

He just started at me, for like 5 whole minutes.

"Hey, chin up pretty boy, quit looking at my breasts," I put my finger under his chin and lifted his face up and he faced me.

"You're..." he stuttered.

"A Prime?" I guessed.

"Yeah, I have felt it, like someone was really part of me, even the matrix," he said.

"Yeah, Primus came to me and talked to me and turned me into, well, a Prime," I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"You look very beautiful, than eve before, it was worse when my sparkmate was cut on her torso," he smirked

"Well, you look handsome even," I smirked.

He out both of his hands on each side of my face and leaned his face to mine.

"I love you," Optimus whispered to me.

"I love you too," I whispered back.

We shared a passionate kiss and stopped.

"I missed your old self but you're still my beloved spark mate," Optimus hugged me.

"Aww, that's sweet," I chuckled as I hugged him back.

"Here," Optimus put something on my right finger and it was a beautiful ring.

"Oh my god, Optimus, it's beautiful," I gushed.

"That is meant for, will you do the him or if being my sparkmate? As if we were married?" Optimus asked as he held my hands.

"Yes," I nodded.

He picked me up and my arm was around him.

We both kissed each other passionately, until we sat in the bed and kissed again and again and again.

He was hovering over me and kissed me, on my lips, neck and bit some of my cables. And we kissed, like as if we were meant to be.

Later on...

We laid in his bed and I had my head in his chest, resting.

He had his arm around me and kissed my forehead.

We were covered in his blankets, warm and snuggled, I was mostly asleep but he was awake.

"Goodnight, Mrs. Prime, Optimus kissed Eclipse's forehead again.

It was night and Optimus was even still awake but was on his data pad and working on it. Even though he let Eclipse sleep with him.

Optimus and Eclipse had finally became Sparkmates and they are both Primes, how cool is that?!

Finally I was able to get this chapter finished but we have more chapters heading our way, so...

Stay tuned...

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