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Meanwhile at KSI...

Joshua's P.O.V:

Everything was ready for the plan, Galvatron is hundred percent complete and so is the rest.

I was going to be stupid famous, like rich...

"Joshua!" Attinger exclaimed.

"WHAT!?!?" Joshua yelled back.

"We have a serious problem," Attinger said.

"No, no, no. See we don't use those kind of words in my building," Joshua chuckled.

"Well, it seems that someone has been hacking into your creations, Galvatron and stole them with any security for the look out," Attinger said as he crossed his arms.

"No one can hack into our system like that, there's tons of security around this building, my dream," Joshua said.

"Well, this time it's not, and the other thing is, it had also stole your other creations, even Stinger, the new version made of Bumblebee," Attinger said.

"Well, ever heard of Ariana Grande? That's the problem," Joshua said with sense of humor.

Silence from Attinger...

"Get it? That's the Problem. You know, one last problem?" Joshua asked as he chuckled.

"This is serious, get it together," Attinger said.

"No one tells me what do, this is my company, my rules and most of all, I'm the owner," Joshua said sternly.

"Did I ever mention that, Cemetery Wind has failed countless times to find Prime, even the bounty hunter is still, trying to find Prime as well?" Attinger asked.

"Well, you can tell your 'alien bounty hunter...' THAT IF THIS DEAL IS NOT DONE, YIU ARE NOT GET THE SHARINGS OF MY MONEY!!" Joshua roared.

Most of the people and workers looked at Joshua, but he never cared.

In silence, Attinger sighed...

"Well, Joyce, the humans we have encountered but never took in, may be in this some sort of involvement," Attinger said.

"What?" Joshua asked in surprise.

Oh oh....

This may not end well for Cade, the Autobots against Cemetery Wind...

Crazy right?

Sorry for the late update and sorry of this chapter is short, school and homework, oh god, it get frustrating when I have to and I have been busy for a couple of days. But the next chapter will be longer and the next and the next and the next.... so yeah.

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