Chapter 20

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When everyone came downstairs before Shawn and I were about to leave, we told them the good news.
............. Hayes pov.........
She told us her news. I was really upset. I love her so much, but she loves Shawn. And now, now she's going on tour with him for five months. We had like 45 minutes left before they had to leave to go to the airport, so I decided to talk to Sydney. I took her up o my room...
" listen, I'm happy for you really, it's just... I really do love you... A lot, and so I at least wanted to give you this gift before you go."
I handed her the small neatly wrapped box like Nash said to do.
" oh my gosh."
She said
" this... This is beautiful!"
She squealed and then hugged me tightly. She started sobbing lightly and got my shirt wet just a little bit. She looked at me and kissed me on the lips.
" listen, I love you too... But I love Shawn, he's never broken my heart and I know he never will. I do love you, I just want to see where this goes with Shawn."
She said.
I kissed her on the forehead and we went back downstairs.
........... Sydney's pov...............
When we it downstairs I wiped away my tears and hugged everyone goodbye. I started crying again when I hugged Nash. He kissed me on the forehead...
" it will all be okay. This is a great opportunity for you and for Shawn as well. I love you Sydney."
Nash said.
" I love you too."
I said and got on my toes so I was talk enough to hug him really tight. Then I hugged Elizabeth and skylyn and lastly... Hayes.
When I hugged him I didn't want to let go. After I finally stopped hugging he he slipped a note in my pocket.
" goodbye Sydney"
He whispered
" goodbye."
I whispered back and kissed him on the cheek before waving to everyone and walking to the car with Shawn. This is it. Goodbye north caralina, hello planes and hotels and screaming girls.
Goodbye happiness...
Hello crazy happiness.

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