Chapter 6

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After my date with Hayes we didn't want to go back home. We found a hill lied down to stare at the stars together. We named them after each other and Hayes found the brightest one in the whole sky and named it rose. And I found the biggest one and names it Hayes.
"Oh so you think I'm fat?"
He said with a pretend hurt look on his face.
I laughed and he smiled and then rolled over and cuddled me. I blinked and everything started getting blurry. I got one last look at Hayes the star before falling right to sleep.
When I woke up I was on the couch at Hayes' house.
" oh good your awake!"
He said. He was lying on the other end of the couch starring at me.
I smiled and then stretched really big.
" how did I get here?"
I asked
" I carried you."

The Grier's: Hayes Grier Fanfiction Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ