Chapter 10

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I went downstairs and heard Nash talking to a girl outside. I looked out the window and saw Nash but I couldn't see the girls face. All of the sudden Nash opened the door and walked in with...
I yelled really excited.
"Oh my gosh! Sydney!!!"
She ran over and hugged me tightly and smiled at Nash.
" Sydney, this is my girlfriend... Lyndsey."
Nash said smiling. They both started blushing and then went upstairs.
I decided to go find Hayes. I went upstairs and heard Hayes talking on the phone.
" I can't just get rid of her Rebecca, I love her."
He said.
" no Rebecca! I'm not going to break up with her just because you don't like her!"
I heard a muffled voice come from his phone.
" but you promised Hayes!"
She said.
" well I'm not going to do it Rebecca! I don't care what I promised you! I love her! "
He yelled into the phone.
I opened the door and walked in.
Hayes turned white as a ghost and hung up the phone.
" what did you promise Rebecca?"
I said quietly.
His eyes turned glossy and tears started to escape and roll down his cheeks.
I was getting really annoyed.
He let out a small sigh and began to speak.
" before I met you, I liked Rebecca... A lot. I was going to ask her out but I realized how mean she is and decided not too. I knew she liked me though, so when I didn't ask her out she got mad. She made a 'rule' that if I dated someone, I had to break up with them after a month or two if it lasted that long. And then I met you. I fell in love with you and I'm not going to leave you...ever, no matter what Rebecca says. "
He explained.
"So why did she call you?"
I asked
"Because, it's been a month and a half and I haven't broken up with you. She wants me for herself and is just jealous of you, because your beautiful and smart and funny and Hayes Grier is in love with you."
He said.
I started crying and he embraced me in a hug. He kissed me on the cheek and then we both went down to the living room. Lyndsey and Nash were laughing really loud and I decided to see what they were doing. When I got upstairs I opened the door and they were on Nash's bed watching movies. I smiled at Lyndsey and then went back downstairs.
     When I got back to the living room, Hayes wasn't there, so I walked into the kitchen. He wasn't there either. I searched the whole house and couldn't find him anywhere. I was starting to get worried and my eyes were stinging. All of the sudden I heard a loud crash outside...

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