A lot has changed in the past five months. Mine and Justin's relationship is a lot stronger than before and I was more than thankful for that.

But as of now, he was in California meeting with my lovely brother, over something that still wasn't resolved. The court hearings between him and Sara have been dismissed. Sara left the state, unannounced and nobody's seen or heard from her since.

It was going on 11:30 when I finally had a little time to myself. After I took Emilia to her doctor's appointment, that little smart cookie, tricked me into letting her stay home instead of going back to pre-school.

I told her that I'm telling Justin that she tricked me, and I won't even sugar coat it. When Emilia and I got back, I took my prenatal vitamins and sat my pregnant ass down on the couch.

Being six, almost seven months pregnant isn't as fun as I thought. I feel like it'd be better if Justin and I knew the sex of our baby, but he insists that wait and see. Like who does that? It's unfair.

The room was painted an ugly ass green color since it's considered "mutual" and I didn't want that. I wanted an actual theme, not vomit green.

Just as I was starting to get comfortable, loud knocking filled my ears. I groaned, considering to ask the hyped up four year old to answer the door for me. I changed my mind, getting to my feet and going over to the door.

When I opened it, Madison stood in front of me with a fearful look on her face. Instantly, I moved to let her in. "Mads, what's wrong?" I asked, shutting the door.

Her eyes widened, "What? N-Nothing." She looked up the stairs and glanced around the house. "I-Is Justin here?"

I shook my head, walking into the kitchen. She followed behind me. "No. He's still in California, Madison, you know this."

She chuckled, "Ha, right! Oops, blonde moment." Any other time I'd laugh at her smart jokes, but it wasn't even funny. Also, I knew something was up and I was waiting for her to tell me what it was. "How's the baby?"

I shrugged, "We're doing alright. Madison, what the fuck is up with you?"

"Nothing, Demi. I don't know what you're talking about."

I sighed, getting impatient. "Madison, I'm not playing games. Tell me what is going on. You look like you've been crying." She bit her lip, looking down. "Why were you crying?"

When she looked back up at me, she was crying. "If I tell you, it stays between us?"

"Well, I need to know what it is in order to promise that."

"Okay.." She sighed. "I um.. I-I.. Trenton did something bad." I crossed my arms, nodding. "I caught him with another girl."

My eyebrows knitted together. "You what?!"

"He's had a degree in teaching and he fills in when the actual teacher can't come and.."

I cut her off. "She wasn't a student, was she?"

Madison nodded, tears were pouring out of her eyes at this point. "I confronted him about it and he made me look like an idiot! L-Like I didn't see anything, b-but I did! A-And when I wanted to leave and tell somebody, he grabbed my arm and yelled at me. H-He hit me."

I was surprised, in shock, pissed. Oh, I was very pissed. Furious. And when Madison hugged me, I didn't know what to do but hug back. I've never seen her like this. The Madison I know is bubbly, sarcastic, and hilarious. Neve have I seen her so down, in tears, crying.

"Madison, you know I have to tell Justin, right?"

She gasped, pulling away from me. "N-No! Demi, please don't. I-I can handle it!"

"No you cannot, Madison! I have been in the same position as you, okay?! You cannot possibly think you can do this alone! If you don't tell Justin, I can guarantee that I will. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Demi, please.. Just don't tell. Don't tell anybody, please, I am begging you." She interlocked her fingers with one another, literally begging me. "P-Please."

I sighed, mentally doing a lot of things to myself. "Fine. But Madison, at least stay here a few days?"

She nodded, "Okay. I-I will. Thank you." I rolled my eyes, smiling at her anyways. She pulled me in for another hug and I sighed again.

God damn it. I may have promised to keep quiet, but if she doesn't tell Justin, it'll be too late, she'll be even more hurt. And you wanna know whose fault it'll be?

Thanks for reading!

- Mira.

Confidential: The SequelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora