Chapter 21

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"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." - Mark Twain.


I was picking up food before my next stop, when I felt pairs of eyes on me. I sighed, turing my head. "Demi?" I smiled, before taking a few steps. "It's me, Emily. I-I'm Grace's older sister."

Neither Demi, Madison or Destiny said anything. "Emily, yeah we thought so." Destiny finally concluded.

"How are you?" Demi asked, "It's been a while."

I nodded. "I'm good actually, how are y'all?" I asked, trying to make nice conversation.

"What are you even doing here? You don't live in New York." Madison sneered, eyeing me up an down. Boy, was she still the same.

But suddenly, I was stuck. "Oh, I know. I-I'm just visiting um, a friend you could say." I sighed, "Just a friend."

I noticed that Destiny glared at me as well. "How have you been holding up? Ya know, since Grace died?"

"Oh? Oh! Yeah, I've been okay. It's still a little bit hard but I'm holding in there." All three of them nodded. "I-I should get going. But it was nice seeing you all. Please, tell Justin I said hello and I hope he's feeling better." I quickly excused myself from the three investigators.

"Wait, how did you know?" Demi sneered, grabbing my arm.

Suddenly, I was caught in a crossfire. "T-The news. Bye." Idiot, idiot, idiot! I scurried off, not even taking my groceries with me. When I got out of the store, I immediately got into my car and drove off.

As soon as I got to my next destination, I was shaken up. It's been three years. It's been forever and I'm seeing her- again.

I discretely got out of my car and locked it behind me. I took deep breaths as I approached the new and unfamiliar house that I hadn't seen before. Once I got to the door, I didn't bother knocking and just walked in.

"H-Hello? It's me, Emily." I quietly walked in, shutting the door behind me. "Where are you?"

I gasped, as a door slammed from the upstairs, which scared me half to death. "You came."

Tears burned in my eyes as we met each other in the middle of the room. "You're alive. How?" I asked, feeling have grateful, yet half betrayed and confused.

"God, I've missed you so much." Grace pulled me into a hug, holding onto me tightly. "I didn't think you would come."

When we pulled away, Grace sat me down with her on the couch. "I-I can't even believe jt's you. I mean, Grace, I went to your funeral. I watched you get buried, I-"


I cut my sister off. "No, you didn't actually." I sighed, leaning back. "It's been some three years. You see, I wasn't fully dead when Justin found me. They left before the paramedics came."


"W-We have to get out of here, Justin!" I barely could hear anything but I heard the bickering between the two.

Confidential: The Sequelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें