My Decision (Chapter 21)

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Andrea's POV

I stared in horror as Maya's body hit the ground with a loud thud. I watched as the walkers stepped away from Drew and moved towards her. Just as they were about to feed on her, my vision went blurry and I couldn't see what was happening to her. My eyes welled with tears.

Then, without even knowing, I started sobbing. I took a step towards the edge, but didn't make it that far, when I heard loud, thudding footsteps come up the narrow stairs. I then felt a strong hand come and pull me back.

I sobbed even louder, and I started choking on my breaths. Gagging noises escaped my throat.

The arms held me away from the edge and moved me towards the ladder, leading away from the barn. I looked up and saw that Shane was the one that was holding me back.

I turned back around and saw that Maya's body was already half-consumed. I cringed and squeezed my eyes shut even tighter. I started sobbing even louder.

The one thing. The one thing that tethered me to happiness and hope and humanity. The one thing that I loved, anymore. The one thing that I had to live for was gone.

She was dead.

She used my gun. She shot herself. And she was now being devoured by drooling freaks.

Maya. The one person that I lived for.

Now that she was gone, what reason did I have to live? No one cared about me, not the way she did. No one would care if I died. Except maybe Dale. But he would have to get over it and find another person to pretend he's the father of.

In thinking this, my body subconsciously inched towards the edge. My eyes landed on my gun that Maya let fall from her hands, only moments ago. It had fallen on the platform that we were standing on, rather than her taking it down with her.

I lunged forward for the gun. I wrapped my fingers around it. It hadn't even been a second from when my fingers came in to contact with the cold metal, when Shane came forward and knocked the gun out of my hands and kicked it over towards Dale.

I saw Dale switch the safety on and put it in his pocket.

Shane pulled me up from my spot on the ground, and turned me so that I was facing him.

"No." Was all that he said.

* * *

Katie's POV - Minutes earlier

I was laying down in my bed, thinking. Thinking could get you killed in this world. Thinking too hard, or too much. But I was thinking about last night. What Daryl said to me. 'I love-'. I love you? It would have made sense, given the circumstances, but...


A loud noise came from outside. I jolted up in my bed. It was a gunshot. It was only one, though. I gingerly got out of my bed, hoping to avoid the throbbing in my head from returning. To my satisfaction, it didn't.

I moved over to where Maggie had set a pair of jean shorts, a green loose tank top and my old pair of cowboy boots.

I pulled my clothes on and slipped into my boots. I then quietly walked out of the bedroom and shut the door slowly behind me, careful not to wake anyone this early in the morning. My family liked to sleep in.

I quietly stepped down the stairs and out if the house. Just as I did, I heard another gunshot. And it came from the direction of the barn.

I snapped my head left, in the direction of the barn. I started to walk quickly towards it.

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