His Time Will Come (Chapter 8)

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Katie's POV

"Did you know him well?" I asked Daryl from the back of his motorcycle.

"Nah," he started to say, "spoke to him a few times, nice guy."

"Seeing the way Jacqui reacted, I think he was a good guy" I told Daryl.

"I try not to think about it, too much." Daryl responded.

"Try not to think about what?"

"The person that dies." He said emotionlessly. "Thinking about how nice they were, their lives before all this, it just makes it worse."

Who knew someone so tough skinned could be so deep?

"You're right." I told him, completely agreeing with what he said. I could relate. I've had my share of losses, but should I tell him? Can I trust him? Before I could say anything, Daryl beat me to it.

"I've lost people, ya know." He said, his voice had a tinge of sadness in it. "My brother, my mom."

"What happened?" I asked, before quickly adding, "If you don't mind me asking"

"Nah, it's fine, don't mind much." Daryl replied, shifting slightly on the motorcycle. "My brother was a part of this group, at first. He went with a few others from the group, T-Dogg, Glenn, Jacqui and Morales, they went to Atlanta. That's where they met Rick. Glenn spotted Rick crawling in a tank, trapped, so he helped him. When Glenn and Rick come back, Merle got in a fight with T-Dogg, he was threatening him, they said he was getting out of control. So Officer Friendly over there handcuffs Merle to a pole. Place got overrun. Rick tossed T-Dogg the keys, but he dropped them. They had to leave him there, handcuffed to a pole."

"When they came back, they told me what happened. Next day, we went back for him. He wasn't there. His hand was, though. That tough son of a bitch cut off his hand to escape. I don't know if he's still alive or not."

I cringed as I pictured Daryl looming over his brother's bloody, detached hand.

 Not knowing what to say, I kept quiet. I could tell him about my mom. And how I have no idea where my dad, my brother and my sister are, with my step mom, and my stepsister. But I knew that the back of a motorcycle was not the place for these types of stories. I even felt guilty for asking Daryl at a time like this, him not even having my full attention with the wind screaming in my ears.

I said the only thing that wouldn't upset him, the only thing that would make sense after a story like that. "Thank you for telling me," I said, squeezing my arms around him a little tighter, "for opening up."

"No biggie" he responded, shrugging his shoulders.

I smiled, knowing that whenever I say thank you, those are the words that will always come out of his mouth. But, at the same time, I know that those are the same words that will haunt me. When he is no longer with me. When his time eventually comes.

* * * 

Maya's POV

"Drew stop smiling at me all the time!" I said, laughing with mock anger. "Last time, we almost crashed into the RV!"

He laughed and kept looking at me, his eyes locking with mine, just like the first time we met.

"It'a because you're so beautiful." He said to me.

I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks as I blushed. In an attempt to hide it, I started to hide my face in my hands. "That was cheezy."

"Don't hide it," Drew said to me, referring to me blushing, "it lets me know that those little comments mean something to you." His eyes got serious, "It shows me that you care." He said, smiling now.

I took one of his hands and stared out the window. The RV was in front of us with Shane beside them, the Sedan and pickup in the two lanes behind us and Daryl and Katie on the motorcycle beside us. She was resting her head on his shoulder, smiling. He was smiling, too but more unnoticeable.

"There's something going on between those two." I said, pointing my finger at them. Drew looked over and smiled. He didn't say anything, he just smiled.

"What?" I asked him.

"It's funny how, even in an apocalypse, you're still playing matchmaker." He said, chuckling.

I slapped him lightly in the arm.

"I am not!" I fake-yelled at him, "I'm just saying."

"Yeah, okay, sure." He said, laughing. "Whatever you say."

I let out an offended exhale as I quickly turned my head to look out the window, back at them, flipping my hair as I did, when I saw a very large building in the distance.

"Drew! Look! I think that's the CDC." I said to him.

He smiled and said, "Did you see that while spying on Katie and Daryl?"

"Shut. Up." I retorted, averting my gaze to the large building, smiling.

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