Damaged Beyond Repair (Chapter 15)

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Author's note:

This chapter is dedicated to rahel_climber again, for reasons that should be left unmentioned ;)

This chapter has a bit more foul language. But its not me, its Daryl.

So, originally, I was going to make the whole story Maya's POV, she was going to be the main character. But, recently, I've been leaning towards making Katie the main character. Thoughts?


Katie's POV

"Shot?" Dale asked as we stepped over the road block that separated the forest and the highway, "What do you mean, shot?"

"I don't know, Dale." Glenn responded, answering his question about Carl, "I wasn't there. All I know is that this chick came out of nowhere like Zoro on a horse and took Lori."

"And you let her?" Dale asked.

"Climbed out of my asshole, man. Rick sent her. She knew Lori's name. And Carl's." Daryl said, walking away, towards his motorcycle.

"I heard screams." Dale stated. "Was that you?" He asked me.

I shook my head and jerked my thumb at Andrea.

"She got attacked by a walker." Glenn explained to Dale. "It was a close call."

"Andrea?" Dale called out to Andrea who was now at the door of the RV, "Are you alright?"

Andrea just sighed and walked inside the RV, slamming the door angrily behind her.

I walked over to Daryl by his motorcycle. Involuntary, a smile plastered itself all over my face.

"You're happy." He said, smirking. He walked towards me, closing most of the distance between us. "Either that, or you have a sick sense of joy and you're laughing at a little boy getting shot." He said, jokingly.  

I smiled at him and let out a little laugh.

"Nah, the first one." I told him. "I mean, obviously I feel bad for Carl and I'm so sorry that this happened to him, but I couldn't be happier right now." I told him.

He nodded, with a dead serious look on his face and kissed me. A warm, gentle kiss, sending a jolt down my spine.

"What about now?" He asked, pulling away.

I smiled, "Correction. NOW I couldn't be happier." I looked up at him, to see his reaction. He smiled at me. Not the full-mouth smile that I had made it my goal to provoke, but a genuine, closed mouth smile.

I looked into his eyes. I had never noticed how inviting they were. They were ice blue. Cold and hard. But, deep down, I knew he was a real softie.

"Oh, yeah?" He said, snapping me out of my train of thought, "You sure about that?"

He leaned in again, this time wrapping his arms around me tightly. This moment, right here. Is the happiest I've been in a very long time, definitely the happiest since mom had passed.

I felt butterflies fluttering around in my stomach as he pulled me closer, closing the gap between us that wasn't even there.

Normally, I would be concerned that people would see us. I hated people that showed a public display of affection. PDA as people called it, but Daryl's motorcycle was behind the RV, hidden between a few cars.

He pulled his hands away from my waist and they came up to gently cup my face. For a tough-as-nails hunter, he was surprisingly gentle.

We both pulled away, after who knows how long.

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