Remember Me (Chapter 14)

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Katie's POV

"What was that?" Carol asked.

"A gunshot." Daryl and I both said, simultaneously.

"Why one?" Lori asked. "Why one, why only one gunshot?"

"Maybe they took down a walker?" Glenn asked.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "Shane and Rick both know better than to put down one walker with a gun. They'd do it quietly."

"Shouldn't they have caught up to us by now?" Carol asked.

"There's nothing we can do about it anyways." Daryl said. "We can't just run around these woods chasing echos."

"So, what do we do?" Lori asked Daryl.

"Same as we've been doing." Daryl explained, "Beat the bush for Sophia, work our way back to the highway."

"I'm sure they'll hook up with us back at the RV." Andrea pointed out.

Everyone nodded and started to follow Daryl and I, but Andrea stayed back with Carol. We all stopped walking, to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"I'm sorry for what you're going through." Andrea started, walking towards Carol, "I know how you feel."

"I suppose you do. Thank you." Carol responded. "The thought of her, out here, by herself. It's the not knowing that's killing me. I just keep hoping and praying that she didn't end up like Amy.

Andrea cringed at the mention of her sister's name, and the insult that Carol had just inflicted. I knew it was unintentional, but I'm not the person you should be asking to defend Carol. I tolerate her, at most.

"Oh god." Carol said, realizing her mistake. She took Andrea's hands in hers. "That's the worst thing I've ever said."

Andrea shook her head. "We're all hoping and praying with you. For what it's worth."

"I'll tell you what it's worth," Daryl said, walking up to them, "not a damn thing. It's a waste of time, all this hoping and praying."

Carol looked from Andrea to Daryl, devastated. I shook my head and looked at the ground, disappointed in what he said to Carol, but then he continued.

"We're gonna locate that little girl, and she's gonna be just fine." He said, slowly backing away.

Relief flooded the faces of everyone in the group.

"Am I the only one zen around here?" Daryl asked no one in particular. "Good Lord."

I smiled at him and patted him on the shoulder as he joined me at the front of the group.

* * *

Dale's POV

I was standing in front of a grey van. The hood was up. I was twisting my wrench, collecting spare parts, when I heard T-Dogg walk up from behind me.

"We're going to have quite the collection of spare parts, here, I'm tellin' ya." I said to him, keeping my gaze of the metal part that I was cleaning off, now.

"Shouldn't they be back by now?" T-Dogg asked me, ignoring my question.

"No, there's still light," I told him reassuringly, "let's not worry just yet."

I looked up and saw T-Dogg pacing back and forth, shivering, even though there was sweat beading down his face, his shirt was drenched in sweat and we were standing in the hot Georgia sun.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

He just nodded his head and walked away.

I put down my wrench and the spare part and walked over to him.

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