"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said. I shook my head at him.

"I know when you're lying," I said. "What's wrong?"

"I...we need to talk," he said. His word hit me at a thousand miles an hour. Oh god. He was going to break up with me. He was going to say I wasn't pretty enough. That I wasn't good enough at school. Oh god, what if I was being to clingy? I felt myself starting to hyperventilate, my breathing becoming fast and I started sweating.

He reached out and touched me, running his hand along my chin, and I sucked in a deep breath.

"About what?" I asked, barely holding in my tears at what was about to come. Draco leaned down and kissed me again. He pulled away after a minute and pressed his forehead to mine.

"This can't happen anymore," he said. "It's to dangerous."

"What do you mean, this?" I asked, even though I knew what he meant.


I jumped away from him and said," Why not?"

"It's dangerous!" he said. "If he finds out about you, he-he could kill you!"

"I'm not scared of Voldemort!" I said. I widened my eyes. I had said his name. I said Voldemort. I said it.


"This war wasn't about us," I said, "but now it is."

"I don't get it," he said.

"If the only thing keeping us apart is Voldemort, then he has to go," I said.

"You're pretty much saying I should go," Draco said. "I'll be locked up in Azkaban to rot with my father!"

"Do you think I would let them lock you up?" I asked. "I'm going to be part of the Order soon! I'm friends with Harry Potter! They won't lock you up!"

"How can you be sure," Draco asked. His voice was a soft whisper.

"You've made mistakes," I said. "We all have. Everyone has a destiny. Mine is to be where I am. With my family, to fight beside the Order. Yours is to fight next to Voldemort. Your destiny has you making more mistakes then others. But I don't mind."

I look into his eyes and he looks into mine.

"We'll be safe as long as we're together," I said. I pulled him into a hug.

"You're right, I'm sorry," Draco whispered.

"You're just nervous, that's all," I said.

"I'm truly, deeply in love with you, Aly," he said into my neck. I kissed him again and felt the sparks and fireworks between us and I knew what I had to do. I knew what was true now.

"I desperately love you," I said, pulling away from the kiss briefly and then kissed him again. Draco kissed me harder after he heard me and when we pulled away from each other are breathing was ragged and heavy.

"You love me?" he asked. I smiled as I blush crept to my face.

"Yeah, I do," I said, "and I don't know why it took me so long to figure it out." Draco took my hand and unlocked the door, pulling me out of the room. A drunk looking couple tumbled into the room and started making out on the bed. Draco closed the door quickly and we scurried away from the bedroom. I stopped right before we were going strait to where everyone was.

"Wait," I said. I kissed him and looked his face over, memorizing every detail of it.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

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