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One thing I've noticed in a lot of the books I read (or at least try to read) is that some of the characters don't show or feel that much emotion. I don't know if it's because the authors don't know how to describe emotions or they don't know how to use them.

I personally try to keep as much emotion spread out as possible. Like in facial expressions or words and tones of voice but I still do have a hard time describing different emotions. And you know it would be a problem if these authors would try to put some emotion within their work.

For example. A guy walks up to another guy and they shake hands while whispering about something that you can't quite make out. But you're pretty sure that whatever it is that your brother is doing is illegal. And you do absolutely nothing to stop it. Because you're a person who doesn't feel emotion.

Do you see what I mean? Anyway I love all you guys and I hope you had a cool day. Take some punch while you walk out. I have enough as it is. ^>^

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