Because We're Men

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(Yes I did make an Amazing World Of Gumball joke) Don't judge.

Why are men in books so much more sensible then women. Like there are studies that have proven that women are most likely not going to have sex before they're married and are most likely going to complete college and get a good job more then men. So why is it that the women are being sluts and whores in high school and are failing school.

And yes I know that A LOT of books have the sweet, innocent, rose... Rose. (Goes into corner and cries for half and hour) yeah.
The girl who's a Virgin and the guy that's like "I'm glad you waited for me" like why can't the girl be like "Why didn't you wait for me?!" Then socks him in the dick. I can't stand that.

But STILL! I won't give up on you peeps... Yet. Just please get your shit together. In fact why not ask for criticizing in your comments. Then take their advice if it's good.

Woah... I went way off topic.

I'm sure I've said this before. I want weak men. Or at least make him cry or something like that. Please don't make him perfect. Cause if you do, I will damn you to the first rant in this book. I swear to God I will.

I'm sorry if I was really really really weird today. And I'm not sorry if I made any of you uncomfortable. Carry on...*wispers* my wayward son. IM NOT SORRY!!!!

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