What A Camp!

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     And it was time to go home. 

     The closing ceremony was short. A few campers who weren't coming back next year said their good bye speech and they handed certificates to campers who participated in any sport. Cabin 10-19 took pictures with the paintball trophy, winners of every sport took picture with their trophy and after a nice speech from the Ariesa and the camp manager, everyone was dismissed. 

     We were saying our goodbye and as I hugged Jacob back, I realized, I was going to miss him, all of them. Never have I ever had these much friends and the thought of pulling away from them had not intrigued me.

     Jacob was an awesome friend. He had been there for me when Es wasn't and now knowing that someone like him wasn't going to be by my side made me pretty shaken up.

"You are going to be fine." He ruffled my hair and I smiled at him. "Besides, we shared skype names. Call me when he's sleeping." He winked and I rolled my eyes at his joke.

     The second Jacob stepped away from me, Dave ran to hug me so quickly I almost didn't even see him until he was pressed against me. He rested his head on my shoulder and said, "Aww, I cannot believe I won't see you again. No," he pulled away to look at me, "you'll come visit us right?"

I blinked, baffled that he would miss me this much. Glancing at Es who was talking with MK and Alex, I wondered if his dad would let us come back. We did only come here because our visa was about to expire anyway. I looked back at Dave and smiled, "Once we get our visa's back up and we are free for the semester, we might just come over."

"Might." He repeated the word to himself as if it was going to help him settle it in his head then he nodded and squeezed my shoulders. "I'm going to miss you," He said softly then surprised me when he pressed his lips lightly against mine. I was too shocked to move but I was glad when he pulled away and ran back to stand beside Jacob who glared at him.

"What the hell was that?" Es came to stand beside me, drawing the other couple towards us. He frowned at Dave and started for him but Jacob blocked his path and gave Es a look that made him stop. He scowled at them but didn't say anything and stepped back.

     Dave smiled smugly then winked at me when Es turned back to Alex who asked him a question. I pretended not to have noticed it so things won't be weird and said, "Please don't do that."

"Why?" He rose an amused brow, throwing an arm around Jacob who narrowed his eyes at him.

"Because that's just wrong and if I kissed Jacob, you'll be mad." Es ignored what MK was saying and answered Dave instead, pinning him with a withering glare.

"It was just a kiss-"

"And I'm fucking territorial so think about that before you do shit with him." Escalante's glare softened and he sighed, "We are leaving this country, continent and I want to leave it with a good note. I'm going to fucking miss every single one of you so please keep your slimy hands off my boyfriend and I'll send you a post card."

     The minute Es stopped talking, Jacob attacked his lips and I froze. It was just a simple chaste kiss on the lip like Dave had done but yet it felt wrong watching them do it. Escalante pulled away almost immediately and gave Jacob a baffled look. "The fuck was that?"

"Yeah." I said when I finally found my voice. Breaking the two of them up, I clung to Es's arm and glared at the four of them who just grinned at us. "What the fuck is going on?"

"It's how we say good bye." MK explained, crossing his thick arms across his chest. "We only did it to the new cabin members; it was our way of saying we had a crush on them."

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