I Knew What He Meant.

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Being pissed at Escalante was something I wanted to do for maybe a week but after listening to Alex talk on about forgiving him even when he didn't know what Es did, I came to a conclusion. I was only going to forgive him if he admitted what he did was wrong because half the time he was talking yesterday, I didn't understand him. One minute he was telling me he touched people against their will and the other he was telling me he touched them because they wanted it.

I had every right to be confused and I really needed to think things over because I found out that I was deeply in love with him. Because no matter how bad I made the situation look, I still wanted to be with him. I still wanted him to love me. And I might have failed to mention but I really wanted to do the deed with him. I wanted to feel him in me so badly I might have over prepared for it. And to think I hated myself for depending on him too much, now I despised myself for falling so deep in love with that damn pervert.

Making my way into the swimming center wasn't exactly easy but I blamed my hesitant self. I had stopped countless times and just wanted to go back to the cabin because I didn't know how Escalante was going to look at me. When we had made eye contact during breakfast, I felt my heart crumble at the sight of him. He looked helpless, confused and frustrated all in one. I wanted to run to him and tell him everything was going to be all right but instead I looked away from him like I hadn't even seen him. Back then, I wanted to murder myself for doing such a thing to Es. Seeing that I had done that to him by any chance, made me want to rip myself apart.

Finally finding the courage in me, I tore through the crowd until I was at the very front. The swimming hall was filled more than it had been with the fencing. The bleachers were completely filled and crowds formed at every corner of the hall. Exhaling when I finally found a good spot to stand behind the standing platform, I looked for Escalante in the crowd of swimmers. I needed to tell him good luck at least.

Swimming to Es was surprisingly a big thing. Back when we were still in high school, Es practiced constantly, hoping someday the coach would pick him on the swim team so they could go out for competitions. Sadly, on the day coach was picking, his fellow swimmers pulled a prank on him and he lost his swimsuit. He begged the coach but he wasn't exactly a sweetheart and the team was already complete so Es never made the team. He could write an essay about how much he hated swimming but I knew he loved it and everything about it. His favorite phrase was even "I love my men wet." If that didn't give you a hint about the kind of person Escalante was, then I don't know what will.

"Carlo?" Someone called to me and I followed the sound until I made contact with Preston.

My entire being grew hot with anger and it only got worse when he smiled cheekily at me. That gave me a pause.

Was it safe to say Preston had two personalities because the aura he was giving off was clearly different from the one I got yesterday? Yesterday's was dark and mean. The type that said, 'I gonna kill your mother and bath in her blood.' Today's was light and cool. The type that said, 'Oh let's go pick roses together." What the fuck is that?

"What do you want?" I frowned at him, happy when his smile fell.

He looked away from me to something at the far end of the pool then back at me. "I'm sorry, Carlo. I know what I did was wrong and I deserve whatever hate you have towards me."

See, the Preston I knew wouldn't have told me sorry that way. But whatever, I couldn't let my guard down with him. "Where's Es?"

Preston looked away from him and I followed his gaze until I saw someone walking up to him. Just like Preston was dressed in black swim shorts, goggles and swim cap, this person was dressed in the same way and I would have thought it was Es if only the person had checked Preston out. He only mumbled off a silent good luck before moving backwards towards me and accidentally bumping against me.

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