When You Are Loving Me.

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    Getting the image of Es strutting his ass out for me out of my head was almost impossible. And it made me wake up with a raging hard on I got immediately embarrassed about. 

    After my love confession yesterday, Es told me he wanted to finally talk to his parents. He had refused to answer their calls since the Preston incident and from the way his parents sounded when they called me, it could only mean they weren't told in details what happened to Es. Even when I knew I wasn't okay with that, I let him call his mum. Maybe then they could confront him about the Preston incident.

    It was late afternoon and I was tired and hungry. The camp manager, being a natural pissed off dude, woke everyone up with his bitching into the speakers and made us clean like he had done after the paint ball battle. At least, in this case, we didn't get to re-paint the walls and clean up every little stain. 

    Sighing as I ran a hand through my hair, I was leaned against the stair rail in Es's Cabin, watching the boys who were still playing the sex game drop their two digit numbers that surprised me then chuckled when the discussion led to a funny questioning game.

"What artist can you listen to for a whole day without changing?" Jacob asked Dave and Alex.

"Nicki Minaj." The boys chorused then looked at each other and chuckled.

Jacob rose a curious brow at Dave, "She?"

"Yes. I might not listen to all her songs but I can listen to her all day. She's like my fucking idol."

"She's a chick." He stated and Alex scoffed.

"Doesn't matter. Her rap is solid, she's beautiful and inspirational. She's as good as anyone you had in your head."

     Jacob licked his lips and crossed his arms over his chest, shrugging. "Mine was Eminem but whatever." He sat up and said just when MK entered the Cabin, "An artist you would rather date?"

"Lucas Dipasquale." Alex and Dave chorus then stared wide eyed at each other.

     Dave was the first to speak up, throwing his arms around Alex. "Dude, we have so many common interests. We should totally date."

     Alex flushed in response and ruffled his hair. I watched Jacob glare at them then said through gritted teeth, "Well, I would rather date Nicki." Jacob probably expected Dave to be affected by that but his plan failed hopelessly because the two boys fell into a conversation about the Canadian artist.

    MK came to stand beside me and I smiled up at him expecting the same gesture back but MK just frowned, obviously feeling the same emotion Jacob was feeling. I swallowed, feeling oddly uncomfortable and stood up straight.

"I'll just be leaving." I told him. I only came because Jacob dragged me over. I would have said hi to Es but I had a hunch he was busy talking to his mum and I never want to be there when they were talking. They said the weirdest things about the weirdest people and hearing the conversation was like watching Pretty Little Liars from season 4.

     MK blocked my path, gaining a confused look from me. "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you leave." He sighed and his features relaxed. "What's up? Didn't see you after the party."

     That was because Es took me to the lake in the camp and we spent our time just making out and admitting how much we loved each other. Heat rushed to my cheeks just remembering how happy Es was and I bit back a grin saying, "I hung out with Es. Nothing much happened."

His face brightened and he grinned, surprising me. "That reminds me, the both of you are dating right?"

     He definitely noticed my blush because his grin widened and he continued, "You guys are adorable. Where is he?" He looked around for Escalante and when he didn't see him, his eyes fell back on me, giving me a curious look.

What a Camp! [BoyxBoy]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz