Getting The Wrong Idea.

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    "So there are exactly five important buildings in this place excluding the dorms. They are the Activity building, Game building - A.K.A fun house- the cafeteria, sick bay and the big hall." Preston said as he took us on the pathway to the Activity building. He had just finished showing us the dorm and they were nicely done. People that didn't want the orientation left the moment we stopped by it.

"That building over there," He pointed at the slightly high but wide building over the arch shaped bridge and said, "That is the Activity building. You can check it out on your own time. They practice basketball, indoor volleyball, table tennis, archery and swimming. Sorry, no lawn tennis this year but there is soccer. The field is right behind the building."

We crossed the bridge and I realized that the stream stopped before it reached the manager's building-that is the building we were all waiting in- and it came from somewhere in the woods because on the other side of the bridge, the water kept going.

Preston answered the question running through my mind when he said, "This stream leads to a lake just further down. We go fishing there sometime when we want to have a bonfire." He glanced at me and smiled. I returned a subtle one and we kept going.

"This building is the fun house." He pointed at the next building opposite it. It wasn't as big as the Activity building but it was a two story building. "First floor has all the games you could find in an arcane and second floor is the bowling court. It is a new instalment requested by last year's campers."

"You were here last year?" I asked him.

"Yup. It was fun and in fact, many of us have been here since Rock bottom was first founded. It's like spring break party at summer."

"Is the sun always this hot?" Carlo asked and I noticed he had taken his shirt off.

Preston laughed, "You are not from around here, are you?"

"No. We came all the way from Australia." Carlo answered, really and slowly pissing me off. I did not expect his courage to come so fast but seriously though. He was barking up the wrong tree. I have mentally called dibs on him.

"Australia, huh?" Someone forced their way to the front and my jaw almost dropped at how confused I was of it. In a way, I thought it was a dude then it spoke and my mind just stopped processing for a second. He sounded so much like a girl.

"You don't have the accent." That was when I even noticed the Aussie accent.

Preston looked behind him at the person and said, "Patrick, you came again this year?" They both frowned at each other, then out of nowhere they hugged. And it wasn't the hug and walk away, it was the lingering type. The type that showed they used to be in a relationship and still had something for each other.

I never knew I was the possessive type until I heard myself growl softly and my hand bawled into a fist. My territory, trans person.

They pulled away and Preston continued the tour as he said to the trans, "I thought you weren't coming this year?"

"Mickey said she was, who was I to say no. Besides, I missed her."

Carlo drew closer to me and said, "This is the closest I have been to a shemale."

"Call them trans or they will kill you. When you start talking, ask her what pronoun she would prefer. Wait is she male or female? Her name is Patrick."

"It's normally Patricia but I changed it."

I hadn't know when Patrick had gotten close to us until she said that, sending chills downs my spine. I chuckled nervously and replied, "Sorry."

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