Oh Fuck Me.

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Everyone was sitting at the waiting area for the flight. Even my dad made it and I haven't seen him in a week. He worked in a completely different company than Escalante's dad and it was quite far from where we lived. But today, he was able to leave work for us.

Our parents had gone to buy something for us to take on the plane while we waited and I listened to the female air official make any announcement about our flight.

I couldn't deny how happy I was to leave this country. I was going to Canada. Of all the places. I've heard many things about it and majority were positive. Like seriously, weed is legalized there.

"What are you grinning about?" Escalante said, not even looking up from his Nintendo.

"I'm excited." I turned to him and shook his arm, knowing I was going to get a very annoyed glare from him, which I ignored anyway, "Aren't you? I mean we are boarding a plane all on our own and we are going to stay together."

He frowned, "I hate when you interrupt my game." Then he sighed and gave me a playful smile. "I won't lie. I am a tiny bit excited but I grew attached to someone during the few days."

"Really? Who?"

"That Samuel guy I was talking about."

"The straight one?" I rose a brow at him, falling back in my seat.

"Not so straight anymore." He winked then did this thing with his hand where he made an O with one and passed the index of his other hand in it. I immediately understood and I felt sick to my stomach.

Escalante might be my best friend but there were things he did that were just...no. And the worse part was, I was the only one who knew it. To every other person, including his sisters and parents, he was a depressed gay boy so they tried to support him in anyway they could. They loved him that much but they didn't know Escalante was a big pervert.

And I don't mean the 'sleep with all the boys' or 'flirt with all the boys' or 'eye rape them." Hell no. He was the type to pick a prey, study him for days, weeks, months-if possible-then when he was sure he had him, he was going to eat him. People like him make straight guys want to stay straight.

I watched him rest his back on his seat to stare at me. He had the greenest eyes. It always made me feel like I was away on an island with just him. Not that I want to be, that would be scary and weird.

His breath brushed my face and it drew my consciousness back to realize how close I was to him. My eyes widened to the size of a saucer as he said, "Move any closer and I will kiss you."

That got me reacting. I pulled back as if I had been touched by fire then covered my lips as my cheeks burned. God, he was such a pervert.

Our flight was suddenly called and the first class were starting to board. Jacinta quickly stood up with my sister and came to stand in front of us. Jacinta frowned, her brows furrowed together in worry, "You think mum and dad got lost?"

"My dad is good with locations. Getting lost is out of the option." I told them.

"They will be here soon then. Beside, it's first class, business before Economy." Escalante shrugged and everyone scowled at him when he went back to playing his game.

"Sometimes, you are so inconsiderate." His sister shook her head in disbelief, her brown pony tail dangling from side to side.

Sighing, he dropped his game and looked up at her, "Relax. They will come. If they don't make it, call them. Especially now that it is business class being called. The moment they say 'Economy', it might be impossible to even find each other with the crowd."

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