Getting Addicted To His Kisses

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    So, Es and I were in a somewhat relationship and I didn't feel comfortable with it. Yes, I do love Es more than I was even letting on but something was nagging at me not to give in to that feeling. It was kind of like that situation where the feeling was mutual but you are not ready to step one foot out of your comfort zone which was being single.

I've been single for a long time and last I remembered, being 'not single' was a lot of work. You've got to take care of him, relate to him, know him inside out, and the best of them all, you've got to trust him. It was safe to say I didn't trust Es one bit because I've been his best friend for a long time and slowly yet painfully learnt not to depend on him. Even though I still did.

    He had painful ways of letting people down and most of the time it was me. Either he was leaving me for his boyfriend at an important time or he was with me but not paying any attention to me. It hadn't happened yet but I knew it would and it was going to be worse than last time because I was, again, getting used to the attention he was giving me.

He would hold my hands in public and kiss me even when I wasn't ready for it. Jacob and Dave cooed at us whenever they were around and I would slowly die of embarrassment. My thin frame of confidence was breaking and I was falling back to my old self.

Being shy wasn't easy and it was worse when you were in a relationship. You become way too self-conscious. You are always tensed. And you are always worried he was going to leave you for someone more confident. Someone better.

I panicked whenever I was with Es in public because of those things. I was not even comfortable with public display of affection in the slightest and that was why I was curled up in a ball and trying to hide myself in it, hoping I'd just disappear.

    I had contemplated hiding under my bed, but I had a feeling if my roommate found me, the rest of the cabin was going to be asking what was wrong and the last thing I needed now was more attention.

In conclusion to my morning rant, I don't trust Es.

    Today was like every other day. People were out and about doing something wrong and earning a strike or doing something fun and earning a story to tell their parents or friends back home. But the weather today was cold and a bit windy compared to yesterday when it felt like the sun god, Ra, was having a bitch fit with someone.

The paint ball battle had passed a few days ago and we were nearing Friday in a day. Camila had already booked me to do my make up for the faceoff party. The camp manager still hadn't responded to our plea about using his motorcycles so Val and the rest of the team decided to use their ultimate weapon; MK, who was indeed the camp manager's son.

    Looking away from my window when I heard a knock, I sluggishly stood up from my bed to answer the door. Camila and Jacinta stood there grinning at me and I frowned. I thought MK was scaring all the girls out so they won't come bugging us about our makeup. My frown only got deeper when they brushed passed me into my room.

Camila glanced around my room then her gaze fell on a couple of panties a few girls had asked me to keep as a souvenir. I quickly dove to them and shoved it under my roommate's bed then pretended to not have noticed the panties.

Clearing my throat, my initial glare came back on them and I asked, "Why are the both of you here?" I glanced at Jacinta, "Don't you have a guy to date?" Then turned back to my sister, "Don't you have a tranny to date?"

My sister rose an unamused brow at me and folded her arms over her chest. "What crawled up your ass and died?"

"My brother's dick." Jacinta smiled at herself at her dumb joke which only angered me further.

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