One Small Kiss

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Elaine's POV~

I really like Jer I realized that now but I also kinda have these feelings I can't understand toward Madigan even though he can be so confusing. No. I must not get feelings for that wipe off in a napkin after a jerk off. He is so not my type and he could risk my tail and then I would have to go to a science lab and get cut open and tested on.

I can't like Jer either. What if he finds out I'm a mermaid and gets scared off or weirded out by me. Ugh. I hate being a mermaid.

As I cook some French toast in a pan I hear the front door open and close. Jer walks in behind me and I turn to see him with flowers he picked from my front yard and I chuckled at him.

"I have come to propose a proper date with me at the mall." He said as he bowed and lifted an eyebrow at me.

"I'll take your proposal're buying me food cause I just burnt my French toast." I said giggling.

"Of course my beautiful lady! I wouldn't want a beauty like you to lose your plump rosy skin cheeks!" He said as he started punching my cheeks.

"Cut the sappy lines, I dread it." I said pushing him away.

"Hehe sorry. So how about now?" He said leaning on the counter.

I was already ready for the day and I was starving so why not. "Sure."

Few minutes later we're in the car and I'm begging him to get Chinese.




"You said you would feed me whatever I want before we left. So Chinese!" I said pouting.

"Fine! I'll get you Chinese from Bamboo Pho and Grill."

"Oh my god, they are my favorite!"

"I'm guessing you eat there a lot."

"Yeah, I've never really had anyone to go with so I've been everytime alone..." I said and looked out the window. But in the reflection I saw Her look at me and frown and back to the road. He thinks I didn't see it.

He reaches for my hand and intertwines our fingers. "I'm here now, sorry I wasn't before."

"You didn't even know me Jer, don't be sad and stuff about it."

"Sorry." He said as he parked his car in the front of Bamboo Pho and Grill. I told him what I wanted and he took it in to get it for me. Can't wait for exploding taste buds of goodness.

Jer's POV~

Elainea looked so beautiful as always, it's hard to believe I've fallen to like her in just a few weeks. Actually it isn't really.

Elainea was beautiful, amazing, impossible not to fall for. I don't see why she doesn't fit in with crowds or is known to be a loser. She is smarter than all the jocks and preps put together. Especially that Madison Downs girl. Everytime she sees me alone she'll get so close and whisper things in my ear. I tell her no every time but she is so dumb she doesn't listen to me.

We get to the mall and the first thing she does is run for Barnes and Nobles. I wasn't really a big book fan but if she wants. I ran after her yelling to wait while getting looks from others. This girl. Up and down almost every aisle and then I find her curled up by a bookshelf and her reading Manga. I smiled at her and grabbed the manga Wolf and Spice on the bookshelf across from her and started reading. She looked up at me and gasped.

"You like anime and manga too?!"

"Of course Elainea, I'm me." I said with a chuckle. We read for about an hour in that store with some hot chocolate we got from the coffee shop inside Barnes and Nobles.

She got some whipped cream on the top of her lip and she made funny jokes then licking her top lip. It was funny and adorable at the same time.

Everything was going great and wonderful. She loves video games apparently but I'm more of the movies person. We even rode on the carousel! Which was kiddish I know but she was begging like no other.

She was acting cautious but I couldn't tell why. Does she know I've fallen to like her and she doesn't like me like that? Is she trying not to hurt me? It's making me so curious that my brain hurts.

We sat at the food court and hung out for awhile. But then...someone tripped and fell with water splashing everywhere. Elainea didn't say anything she just ran to the nearest store with a bathroom. It was just water couldn't she say she was going to clean up.

Elainea's POV~


I leaned up and locked the bathroom door and my whole body was wet. I needed to dry fast and soon. I looked around and was about to give up and just let air dry but then I saw the dryer. I pulled myself up and sat my tail under it and pushed the button. After 5 minutes of that everywhere on my body I got dry enough and turned back into a fully legged creature.

I walked out and went to Jer smiling at him.

"Sorry it took so long, I got really wet and it took quite a bit to dry." She said giggling.

"It's fine but hey, it's getting sunset. Want to go on a walk at a park near by?" He said rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Why yes I would!" She said in a really old country girl accent with a laughter at the end added.

They walked out the mall and two blocks away was a small park with a pair of swings and two slides with a small rock climbing on the playground. He smiled at me and I smiled back right before I poked him and said "Tag!"

We chased each other and pushed each other on the swings and laughed while sharing jokes. It was getting dark and Jer and I started heading back where the mall was so we could get in his car.

We walked silently and I sorta froze when his hand slipped in mine. I looked at him with a surprised smile and he returned it with a small smirk.

Soon he stopped and since my hand was connected to his, my walk stopped with a small jerk as well.

"Elainea, what do you think of me? Be honest, what am I to you?"

I knew this was coming and I knew I would have to respond. "You're amazing and awesome. I don't know what I would do without you. But you're like the closest person I ever had near me before. I'm so glad I got to meet you in life Jer." I said and he smiled before pulling me in for a kiss. A long passionate deep kiss. And when he pulled away I wanted just one more. Just even one small kiss. And like he could read minds he leaned down and gave me one small kiss on my lips again. I smiled at him. "I like you Jer."

"I like you too, Elainea,"

That's when a interrupting cough came in on purpose and we turned to see Madigan with his arms crossed and staring at Elainea like a little boy who lost his balloon and can't get another. "Me and you, Elainea will have to talk sometime."

I have been sneaking the phone to write this chapter because I'm grounded from my phone so be good that y'all got this.


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