Punching Heaven

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They are still at lunch just a reminder and alsoooo ravioli ravioli give me the formioli. Sorry I was born.

Madigans POV~

Why the hell are they so close. They literally just met! Why did I feel like this, I couldn't be jealous...am I....nah. I can't be.

"What the fuck do you want?" She said with a frown. I'm sorry I interrupted you while on your period.

"I just wanted to see how my friends are over here and stuff, you know. Hang out, talk." I said with a smile. She rolled her eyes and went back to talking to that Jeremy guy.

I tried joining the conversation here and there but she kept kicking me out. What did I ever do wrong....besides take her diary and know her major huge secret of her being a mermaid and make her my date for a party and make her shop at the mall... oh.

I had science with them next and I had to make her my partner. I had to ask her for a favor, but she has been with that guy this whole time.

The bell rings.

She and him are already on their way out the door.

He put his arm around her.

Did he just fucking do that.

Stop touching her asshole, you're probably just a fuckboy and she don't know it yet.

I'll admit...yes I was a fuckboy... I haven't fucked since last Wednesday though....maybe a few intense make outs but that's it.

I make it to science and see them sitting together and head over to them. "Hey, Jeremy. She is mine this period."

"Why don't you fuck off." He said. I think he can already tell Elainea hates me so he is too.

"You should just shut up and move, please." I said looking at Elainea.

She already knew what I was thinking and told him it was fine and she'll be with him next period.

I sat down and put my feet up and put my hands behind my head.

"Did you have to fucking do that?" Did she have to talk.

"Yes, I did. The guy is a fuckboy." I said shrugging. She snorted and looked at me.

"And you're not? Jer is not a fuckboy." Whatever she says.

"Okay, well I need you to do something for me." I said looking at her seriously.

"And what the hell could that be?" She said leaning in.

"I need you to help me out on this plan so I can get laid tonight." Agh I need to get laid badly.

"Hell no!" She said staring at me with anger.

"Elainea, please remember that I know something huge that no one else in this world knows about you." I said whispering in her face. "Or you could be the one to get me laid."

"What's your idiotic plan?" She said sighing and laying her head down.

"Well, I want you to punch m-" Right on the side of my left jaw she fucking punched me.

"There!" She said smiling, what the hell, that wasn't very mature Elainea. I'm guessing we're 5 or 6 again.

I rubbed my jaw and glared at her causing her to shrink back a little. "Listen Elainea, do that again and I will fucking throw you into a pond where there is a bunch of people swimming."

"O-okay..." she said whimpering and I noticed I was gripping her wrist. "Sorry, but dont..." I let go and finish telling her my plan on her punching me when I tell her to so I would get pitied by the girl who saw and came over and helps me home and fixes me up ad then I get laid. It's all good.

~~~~~~~~~*school be over and seagg and shit...yeh*

Elainea's POV~

I was excited as hell, I got to punch him and get passed by that for only one time and then I get to punch him one more time when he actually tells me too, this day is the greatest day of my life. Jer is just so sweet and stuff, omg he is just so hot, he got a ride home with his friend thank god when I told him I had something important to do. Which was obviously punching a certain someone.

I reached the meeting spot and saw his target, aka the girl who gets a 'lucky ride' with the all mighty douche bag.

I see my target walking towards me in a dark blue shirt, black jeans, a shark tooth necklace and black converse. Almost, Almost, makes me not hate him. His hair is a dirty blonde and it sorta hangs over his eyes a bit. His blue eyes, wow those blue eyes... made me forget everything until he spoke.

"Are you finish eye raping me yet, take a pic while you're at it. It will last longer." He said smirking and shoving his hands into his pocket.

"I was not eye raping you! I was just making sure you look presentable enough to actually even get her to come over to you." I said not hesitating.

"Okay then....do I look presentable enough to you?" He said.

"Never in a million years." I said smiling and he frowned and looked a bit taken back. He started talking to me that she kept looking over at him so in maybe two minutes. He said that he would tell her I punched him because he accidentally offended me...stupid, but whatever works for me to punch him.

I finally punched him and it worked, she came over and kneeled down to see if he was okay.

It kinda made me sad....I dont know why but I was. I felt bad after punching him then... I was about to be the one and kneel down to see if he wax actually okay... I even made a bruise on his jaw from before.

He looked over to where I was while she looked in her purse for her car keys to take him home where she will be screwed. I frowned when our eyes connected and I looked away and walked to my car and thought about how the girl looked so familiar. Oh well.

I drove off and went to my secret little pond for about an hour or two before getting home and inviting Jer over for some video games to get 'him' off my mind.

Madigan Gay Simmons

Hello my good readers. I just want to ask all you to like share my book to other people and you know just let people know it's good. So like me and my friend thought about 50 Shades of Grey and changed it to 50 Shades of Green because Mrs. Green is a teacher of ours and well....I kinda redid a part from the movie and changed it up abit. Here you go.

Mr. G rolled his eyes and crossed his arms waiting to get the grades of students. "Roll your eyes at me again and I will have to spank you." Lori said handing over the grades.

Mr. G did not know she wasn't kidding, in fact he also didn't know...Mrs. Green craved sex n torture shit. He rolled his eyes once more and smiled. "You're very silly Lori." But then...she grabbed his hand and dragged him into her classroom. She locked the door and smirked... "bend over on my desk now!" She said demanding. I did what she said n she came and drew back her hand and then put force into her slap on my ass. How will I explain the hand mark on my ass to my wife. She did it about 3 more times before stopping and pulling me up. Wow was I horny now.

Pov~ Mr. G

Well yeah anyway.....have fun guys.


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