Shopping With You?!

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Madigans POV~

After last night I felt really guilty because I pushed her and I walked out. I tried to forget it and called her hoping she was up.

I told her to get ready and wait for me outside. I pulled up to her house to see her in a 'Gap' sweater with a grey beanie and black skinny jeans with some Bart Simpson converse. She pulled it off and was still very hot and I hated that.

Once she got in the car she put on her seat belt not even looking at me and said "Where are we going?". She sounded angry, I wouldn't blame her, I would to if a really sexy guy walked out on her.

"Shopping" I said glancing at her before driving.

"Shopping with you?!" She said looking at me shocked. "Yes, me. Is there a problem?" I said with my eyebrow raised and glanced at her.

"Yeah! (1) I hate shopping! (2) Your a fucking guy! (3) Both of those reasons!" She said madly. And wait....did she just say she hates shopping?! What girl hates shopping, every girl I ever dated needs shopping. Buying shit they don't need and just want. But this girl hates shopping...woah.

"I'm sorry to hear all that, but that's to bad. I've got money I want to spend and I know for a fact that you probably need a bathing suit for this pool party tonight. Am I right?" I said with a smirk growing on my face.

I glanced at her to see her shoot me a glare. I chuckled at her reaction and continued driving with a smile on my face.

"I don't need a bathing suit..." I heard her whisper to herself. "And why not, you are going to swim with me at the party. Right?" I asked. ", I can't....can't swim." She said. I almost died there laughing!

"Yes you can. I saw you swimming at that lake!" I said wiping away tears that weren't there.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Im not getting wet." She said and I chuckled. "Yeah, whatever." I said as we pulled up to the mall.

I got out and opened her door and unbuckled her because she began to be stubborn and didn't want to go. I lifted her out of her seat and threw her over my shoulder with her kicking and screaming at me.

"THIS IS NOT COOL MADIGAN!" She yelled while hitting my back with her clenched fist. I only held tighter to her and chuckled when I walked in to Barnes and Nobles. She suddenly stopped kicking and yelling at me and said "Let me down." So I let her down and she ran off. She fucking ran she fucking for real, she ain't fucking 5 or 6.

I went looking for her and went up and down almost every book aisle and still couldn't find her until I saw her sitting at a tiny tiny table with atleast 7 books of some sort and I walked over towards her angry.

"Why the hell did you run off like that?!" I said furious with a glare towards her. She turned from her book and looked at me with a face of don't care look. "I wanted to go look at all the mangas..." She said looking back to her book that had the title Blood Lad.

"You like all that anime crap?" I said with a weird expression on my face. "It's not crap!" She said frustated.

"Whatever, if you come on and come shopping, I'll buy all those books right there for you." I said. "Oh my god! Really?! They are like $13.00 each Madigan!" She said and I shrugged. I said I had a lot of money to spend.

We bought the books and went to all those stores with clothes and stuff.

Finally we decided to eat, and got some pizza from the pizzeria. I watched her as she bit into the huge slice and I chuckled when sauce got on her chin and she looked at me with a confused look. I grabbed a napkin and wiped the sauce and noticed her staring at me in a surprised way.

"Don't do that." She said looking uncomfortable. "Do what?" I said in reply with a smirk. "Don't wipe my face for me or anything like that, thats just weird and uncomfortable." She said blushing and looking down at her twiddling thumbs.

"Whatever." I said with the roll of my eyes and threw my trash away. After we finished eating we left and I dropped her off at home and helped her carry all her stuff inside and told her to wear the bathing suit we got. She looked so uncomfortable with me all day, like we never talked or were never friends and never knew eachother. Sorta like we just met or something.

I left her place starting towards mine to get ready for the party after watching some T.v and snacking on cheese its.

I pulled up into my driveway and ran up to my room eager to find some condoms for tonight if I get lucky with any girls. I looked and looked and didn't find any, well better get some at the store later...and that's when I saw it...her diary or journal whatever. I wonder if I could find the reason why she pushed everyone away in that book.

Should I read it.....

Or should I not......

Screw it. I grabbed the journal and started reading from the very first page.

Hey guys. Okay, so how is the book so far?! I know I haven't updated in forever but I have been very busy. And now im going to disney world in a couple days! So I'll try and make one or two more chaptors before I go.

Love you all guys!~

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