No Fucking Way

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Elainea POV~

Well, I was very happy to get my manga books but that was it. I had 'HAD' to get a bikini he said. I wanted the kind that covers up your stomach to but he said he wouldn't allow it. For pekes sake if I don't wanna wear a bikini then I don't want to wear a bikini. But he has my diary and I will do everything to get it back.

I chose a bikini I actually liked and thought it was cute. It was orange and white stripes and that was about it. He wanted me to get the black and blue version instead and I didn't want too. It looked a bit more slutty for my liking. Heh black and blue, I wonder if people still go on about that stupid dress.

This dress I am talking about is confusing the worlds colors now and it was getting on my nerves. Some people thought it was white and gold and other people thought it was black and blue. What a big deal right?!

I had three to four hours before he came and got me so I decided to eat some chips and watch a few movies, one being my favorite childhood movie Finding Nemo. I could literally not wait for Finding Dory to come out.

About three hours later of watching another movie and eating more it was time to get ready for the stupid party that I did NOT want to go to. I grabbed the bathing suit and put it on and brush my hair.

I waited for about ten minutes before I heard my door bell ring and went to get it thinking it was Madigan Gay Simmons but it was some guy. I put the towel around me feeling exposed in the bathing suit and he smirked.

"Hi, I'm Jeremy." The guy said and put his right hand out to shake. Of course I shaked it back and smiled, "Hi, I'm Elainea."

"My mom wanted me to go around and meet some of the neighbors." That explains it, he looked really hot like he could be a male model. He looked about my age and stuff, he must have been the brother of that girl who Madigan wanted to fuck.

"Oh well, I was just waiting for my ride who will be here shortly. But do you wanna come in?" I ask moving to the side for him but he didn't come in. "Oh no, it's fine. I have to meet more neighbors but thanks anyways. We should hang out when your free." He said walking away smiling. God he looked like a sex god.

I smiled back and waved right when my ride came driving in and I ran to the car and jumped in.

"Who was he?" Madigan asked looking a bit mad. "He is my new neighbor by my house and the brother of that girl you wanted to fuck." I said smirking. "Oh" was all he had to say.

He drove us to the party and it was silence the whole way there. I was about to jump right out of the car and find a place to not get wet like a free bedroom that was clean and dry and just hide there til the party was over, but then he grabbed my hand and looked at me.

"Don't get anywhere near the pool and don't get near anything liquid unless it's to drink. You got it nerdy merdy?" He said and my eyes widened realizing he read it.

"YOU READ IT?!" I said scared as shit and having a panic attack. "...Yes, but that's not the point, stay away from liquids unless your thirsty." I took a deep breathe and calmed down and looked at him and sighed with a nod.

We got out and walked in together and then he just walked away like nothing mattered and started grinding up against a girl. As I walked towards the kitchen where the drinks were I noticed all the girls giving me nasty looks. I knew this was a bad idea to come with him.

I sat in a chair feeling uncomfortable in my bikini but all the other girls looked totally fine and comfy. A guy came up to me and I realized right away he was drunk because of his breathe.

"Hey sexy, why don't we go to a bedroom and you can bend over for me so I can show you where the monster goes." He said slurring every word while trying to be seductive. "Please, go suck your own dick. I didn't know monsters were so tiny till now." I said looking away and asked for a sex on the beach.

"Your missing out hot stuff. I can make you feel things you never felt before." The guy said touching my arm.

"The feeling of nothing sounds pretty good to me so go and snatch up some slut or something." I said with a sip of my sex on the beach drink. He finally got the message and walked away.

I started to get bored and decided to get shots. So I asked for one shot and drank it. I drank one after one until I couldn't feel the burning sensation going down my throat. I walked away from the kitchen and onto the dance floor where there wasn't many people because most were in the pool.

I just danced and hopped around not knowing what I was doing because I was too drunk. I was so drunk I mistaken a guy walking around with his dick out as a unicorns horn. Thankfully someone told me before I touched it. Ewww.

"SHE LOOKS SO PERFECT STANDING T-hic- HERE WITH MY AMERICAN APPAREL UNDER-hic-WEAR!!!" I sang and hiccuped in front of everyone but no one really cared cause alot of people were doing the same.

I tried walking to a bathroom but tripped and fell like three or four times before some guy helped me to the bathroom and I thanked him and used it happily with a sigh.

I didn't wash my hands though, I couldn't now. This is why I always waited til I got home but I couldn't wait this time.

I decided to go look for Madigan Gay Simmons while stumbling and laughing. I got a few whistles when I held up my beer and said I was the sexiest thing alive.

I stumbled and looked for him and stumbled around some more. I finally spotted him a corner making out with a girl. I wouldn't have called it making out really though, she had no top on at all and he was groping her. Slut+Manwhore= just right.

I stumbled over to him and smiled and said "May I join?!" Over the loud music. He looked at me surprised and then he saw my beer and sighed and grabbed my hand pulling me to the exit of the house.

"I don't-hic- wanna leave!" I said fake pouting with a puppy dog face. "To bad." He said sounding unhappy.

We got in his truck and he drove away. I had a good time while it lasted and I would be lying if I said I didn't make out with one or two guys.

I looked at Madigan and smiled. "You have a pretty face...." I said staring at him. He looked at me and smirked. "I already knew that nerdy merdy."

"Oh okay. " I said with a slur to it. "I'd like to -hic- kiss you though...did -hic- you know that?" He looked at me surprised. "Really?" He said sounding like a goody retard.

"Si, your lips look -hic- really kissable and I just want -hic- to see if they are." I said slurring and looking out the window. "Oh." Was all he said and we drove up to a nice house which was probably his and I for some reason just passed out.

I didn't pass out for long though, right when I woke up I was being carried.

Madigan carries me bridal style up the stairs as I look into his eyes. "Why are -hic- you in my -hic- dream?" I said with a few hiccups and through a slurred voice as I pointed lazily at him.

"What?!...What are you talking about?!" He said sounding more sober then ever and he seemed really tense.

"Your really -hic- tense..." I said as he put me on a bed that wasn't mine but probably his. He sat on the bed beside me.

"And your really drunk." He said as he noticed me squishing his head between my fingers view and sighed.

"You are -hic- really really tense and sad. -hic-" I said as I sat up and made him look at me.

This seems so familiar to me but I'm too drunk to remember what it is. Huh...I wonder.

And then...he kissed me and pulled me close....

No fucking dream!

He pulled away and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I just uh yeah. Well sleep good!" He said and walked out the room as fast as he could.

...What just happened. I feel like I'm gonna puke. But whatever, I layed down and closed my eyes to slumber.

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