Chapter 94 Bleepblbleebleep

Start from the beginning

And it all clicked. I quickly stood up and ran to the freezer.

We looked at all possible places. We looked everywhere. Except here.

She can't be here right?

I finally reached it and I could the others following behind me.

I took a deep breath before opening it.

And I saw her. All pale.

She was shivering and a small smile came on her face.

"O-o-oppa. Y-Yo-you f-fin-finally f-ffound me." And she collapsed.

I could feel the world spinning.

"MIN AE! CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!" I yelled and quickly ran over and carried her out. As I walked in, I could feel the gush of cold wind and I shivered.

And my heart broke into pieces as I looked at her. How would she withstand being there for so long?

"Min Ae!"



"MIN AE!!"

Stay with me Min Ae.

Min Ae

I pounded on the door.

"Yah!!! Anyone there?" Damn.

I shivered. It was so cold here. I bit my lip and started to jump up and down.

Will anyone find me?

Argh! This isn't the time for negative thoughts Min Ae.

I looked around. There really isn't any way to get out. I sighed and slumped against the wall and sat down.


Another gush of cold air hit me and I shivered again. I wiggled my legs.

They will find me right? Right?


Damn. How long has it been? I couldn't move much anymore. To be honest, I'm kind of suspecting whether I'm solidfying or not. I can't move.

I'm numb already. I'm sort of accumstomed to the cold already. I struggled each blink. I could feel my eyelips dropping. They were really heavy.But I tried my hardest to keep them open.

Don't sleep Min Ae. Nono you don't. Those darned droppy lids.

I raised my hand feebly and smacked my face.

I chuckled. Even the smack has no strength.

I never felt so feeble and helpless before.

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