Chapter 26: Gothorita and the Psychic Showdown

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Arndolfr kept on walking through the endless hallway towards where he first met the spiky-haired man with the Russian accent, with Lucy and Lt. Surge on his left hand and Sabrina on his right. Soon, he met the man near the entrance.

"Ah, so you managed to defeat the great Sabrina, eh?" he said, but then looked behind Arndolfr and couldn't find his two companions. "Hmm, I don't see the other two, so I'm guessing you failed to defeat her."

"I did manage to defeat her, for your information, and now I want you to bring my friends back to normal," said Arndolfr crossly, showing Lucy and Lt. Surge's dolls.

The man laughed out coolly and bragged, "That is none of my business, child! Only Sabrina can manage to bring them back to normal, and that won't happen if you don't properly defeat her!"

Arndolfr kept on talking this time. "Bring them back to normal or you will never get your Gym Leader back," Arndolfr growled, this time, waving Sabrina's doll in front of him.

The spiky-haired man's eyes contracted at the sight of their Gym Leader in Arndolfr's clutches. "W-what!? How is this possible!?"

"Don't ask me," Arndolfr barked sarcastically. "Just after I defeated her -"

Arndolfr then noticed that the man was about to make a furious move towards him. At this moment, Arndolfr knew exactly what to do. Without moving a single step, he squeezed Sabrina's doll tightly in his hand, which immediately stopped the man in his tracks.

"D-don't hurt the great Sabrina, I beg of you!" the man pleaded.

"Don't interrupt me when I am speaking, is that understood?" Arndolfr retaliated.

"Y-yes, understood," the man mumbled, taking several steps away from Arndolfr. "Just don't hurt Sabrina."

Arndolfr let out a sigh and resumed speaking. "As I was saying, just after I defeated her, I demanded that she turn my friends back to normal. But no! She decides it would be best that I'd be added to her collection of dolls as well! However, for some reason, she ended up doing it to herself. Now don't ask me how it happened because really, I have no idea."

Before the spiky-haired man can speak again, another figure appeared right beside him. When the figure fully materialized a second later, Arndolfr recognized it as the man who said that it would be wise to avoid Saffron City Gym earlier.

"I felt a disturbance coming from inside the Gym and I just had to -" he started speaking, but soon froze when he saw what Arndolfr held in his right hand.

For a moment, Arndolfr was lost for words. But when he finally processed that the man in the green jumpsuit just teleported right inside the Gym, something clicked inside his mind for him to understand the situation and think of the next thing that he needs to do.

"Sir," Arndolfr began in a would-be polite way, but it was tainted with fear and anger of what previously happened, so his voice shook as he spoke, "you are a Psychic, too. You are Sabrina's father or some sort of relative, aren't you?"

Arndolfr asked a question, but it was more of a statement. There would be no way this man isn't related to Sabrina, now that he saw the way he teleported right inside the Gym like he did a while ago.

"Clever boy," the man in the jumpsuit replied. "Indeed, I am Sabrina's father, and to be honest, I ran away from this Gym right after she turned my wife into a doll, just like what she did to your friends. But how she managed to turn herself into one, that's way beyond me. It would take another person of such equal powers to bring them all back to normal, including my beloved daughter."

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