Chapter 3: Learn Me Right

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Arndolfr’s entire journey through Route 1 is pretty uneventful: just a couple of Rattatas that showed up that didn’t even notice him while he walked with Geronimo. It was only a matter of hours when they finally reached Viridian City.

Geronimo was pretty strong for his level, so Arndolfr didn’t feel the need to visit the Pokémon Center as of now, so he decided to drop by at the Pokémart.

As soon as he entered the Pokémart, the cashier called on to him.

“Hi there, kid! Are you one of the four trainers coming from Pallet Town?” the cashier chimed.

“Uh, hello there, sir. Well, five, sir. I’m the fifth one. And I’m not really from Pallet Town, sir. I actually came from Twinleaf Town in the Sinnoh Region,” Arndolfr explained.

The cashier gave him a surprised look. “Well, I’ll be! Welcome to the Kanto Region then, lad! Let me give you a welcome present, then.” He rummaged through some boxes and gave him six empty Pokéballs. “Prof. Oak wanted me to give this to the fourth trainer that came here, but since it’s you who came in, I may as well give it to you.”

“Thank you very much, sir,” Arndolfr said to the cashier. “But what about that fourth trainer? Won’t he need these, too?”

“Ah, he can’t probably miss what he didn’t have,” the cashier said nonchalantly. “Besides, Prof. Oak had a feeling you’ll forget to take your Pokéballs from him, so he actually gave some for me to give to anyone passing here.”

At this, something suddenly snapped in place in Arndolfr’s mind.

“That’s it! So that’s what I have forgotten all along!” Arndolfr exclaimed. “Oh wow, how could I have been so stupid?” He put so much stress on the word that it slightly alarmed Geronimo. “Sorry about that, pal,” he added, seeing Geronimo’s reaction.

Something beeped from where the cashier stood. The cashier then picked up his phone and talked to someone. After putting the phone down, the cashier spoke, “Prof. Oak must know that you’ve already reached Viridian City. He would like you to call him when you reach the Pokémon Center. Just ask Nurse Joy for Prof. Oak’s number. Everybody knows the professor’s landline number around these parts.”

“Really? Thank you so much, sir. Oh, wait!” Arndolfr checked his bag in a hurry before speaking again. “I would like to buy ten Potions, please.”

The cashier gave what Arndolfr needed while he gave him the payment. He finally bid the cashier goodbye and then proceeded to go to the Pokémon Center just beside the Pokémart.

Asking for Prof. Oak’s landline number was easy. Nurse Joy immediately gave him a small sheet of paper with the number printed on it. Lots of people probably ask for it when they visit this Pokémon Center, Arndolfr thought. He found a vacant phone booth, dialed the number and waited for Prof. Oak to pick up the phone.

“Ah, Dolph! So you finally reached Viridian City,” said a jolly Prof. Oak. “You’re probably the fourth trainer to arrive there among those who left Pallet Town. You’re pretty fast for someone who left Pallet Town last.”

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