Chapter 5: The Blocked Entrance

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Arndolfr would have wanted to travel with someone across Kanto. The first thing he did after having breakfast the next morning is ask the other trainer named Ash Ketchum if he would like to travel with him. If he ever came across that evil team Prof. Oak was talking about, at least there would be someone who’s got his back. He decided against it when he saw an orange-haired girl scolding her. It was something about a broken bike and Ash would have to travel with her as payment.

As much as he hates to admit it, he will be travelling alone.

“Five Antidotes and five Paralyze Heals, if you please, sir,” Arndolfr told the cashier in the Pokémart. “And… maybe ten Pokéballs too.”

“That’s a lot of preparation for a short trip through Viridian Forest, Dolph,” the cashier remarked. “But then again, you can’t be too prepared if you see a rare Pokémon on the way. For that, I’ll throw in a Premier Ball, too.”

“Really? Thanks so much, sir,” Arndolfr replied. “But how is a Premier Ball different from an ordinary Pokéball, may I ask?”

“Hmm, if you ask me, there really isn’t anything,” the cashier admitted. “It is said to commemorate a certain event, but works just like an ordinary Pokéball.”

“But then again, I must admit it looks pretty,” Arndolfr marveled as he paid for everything he bought.

“True,” said the cashier. “Well, good luck on your journey, lad!”

“Thanks, sir!” Arndolfr called as he got out of the Pokémart.

Eleanor was still in a much lower level compared to Geronimo even after that battle with N and his Metapod and Pikachu, so Arndolfr decided to let her out instead of Geronimo during his trip through Route 2. As much as possible, Arndolfr wanted a balanced team, so he would be able to call on any of them as needed. Several Pidgeys and Caterpies appeared and attacked them, but it was not a problem for Eleanor to make them all faint. Other than those battles with the wild Pokémon, his trip through Route 2 was again uneventful.

This changed when he reached the entrance to Viridian Forest. A couple of people wearing light gray hooded robes were blocking the entrance, so nobody would be able to pass.

“Excuse me, sir, ma’am,” Arndolfr began. “I need to get through Viridian Forest in order to get to Pewter City. May I please pass through?”

“Oh, sorry kid, but we cannot allow you to pass for now,” said the male one. “Our King has instructed us to block this entrance until further notice.”

“Um, can’t you just let me pass for now?” Arndolfr insisted. “I won’t be a bother if anything is happening in the forest now.”

“Don’t push it, kid,” the female one said. “Impossible things are impossible. Just go back when everything is over.”

“Well, it can’t be helped,” Arndolfr said finally as he turned back.

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