Chapter 23: His Majesty, Lord N

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"Dolph, could you just wait one moment and listen to us!?" shouted Lucy exasperatingly while chasing Arndolfr on his way out of the institute grounds. "Why are you in such a hurry anyway? Celadon City is a few days away from where we are now. We can't just march up there in the break of dusk."

Arndolfr turned around to face Lucy and muttered, "Daddy has been kicked out of Silph Co. and I want to know what happened in there."

"Again, you can't just do that," Lt. Surge interrupted him. "Don't you remember? All entrances to Saffron City are blocked and only I could give you a ticket inside Saffron City."

"Then I need your help, Lieutenant," Arndolfr pleaded. "You've got to give me access to Saffron City so I would find out what happened in there."

"I would gladly do it for you, Crane," said Lt. Surge in a serious tone. "But before I do that, I want you to read this." Lt. Surge handed Arndolfr a folded piece of paper. "That Giselle girl gave it to us right after you bolted out of the arena a while ago."

Arndolfr took the piece of paper and unfolded it, revealing a letter with the familiar handwriting of his father.


In the event that you would stumble upon this place, I've prepared a letter explaining everything I can regarding what happened back in Silph Co. Bear in mind that I only have so much space in a single sheet of paper, so this would have to do until we meet again. Considering that you were able to read this, it would take you no time to reach me in Celadon City, so you have nothing to fear.

First of all, aside from a slightly deflated ego, I am perfectly fine. The president of Silph Co. said something about having too many employees and they had to send some of us to Celadon City to work in the Game Corner. I must admit that something seems suspicious, but I'm just keeping my mouth shut, in case something untoward happens. That's the last thing any of us would want.

As of this writing, I am travelling with a few officemates, so there's no need to worry about me being lonely. Actually, I worry about them more than I worry about myself. I think it might be due to work stress, but I just told them stories about our escapades in Veilstone City to make them look forward to our arrival in Celadon City.

Regarding your mother, I also wouldn't worry about her, either. I've already sent her a letter telling everything that has happened. Expect a letter from her perhaps a day after you read this.

And most of all, have fun in your journey, but always remain vigilant. I have heard that some shady characters who call themselves Team Rocket are wrecking havoc all around Kanto. You may have Geronimo with you, but it's best if you travel with other people. As Granddad Bernhardt always says, 'there's safety in numbers.'

Good luck on your journey and take care!


Below the signature, the letters P.S. were written, but it looked like it was immediately scrawled over haphazardly with black ink, as if the writer had thought twice about giving a postscript.

Nevertheless, Arndolfr had to find the nearest tree so he could lean on it and take several breaths to calm himself down. For several seconds, Arndolfr was extremely relieved to know that his father was safe, but then, memories from long ago started flooding his mind, which caused him to bury his face into his hands and started sobbing.

"Hey, Lieutenant," Arndolfr heard Lucy whisper to Lt. Surge, "I think we should really help him get to Celadon City as fast as possible. He looks so worried."

The Kanto Journals: A Pokemon CrossoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora