Chapter 4: Perfect Beings

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“Eleanor, please try to keep it down, I can’t concentrate if you keep on Pecking anything you find mildly interesting.”

Arndolfr decided to stay outside while waiting for Nurse Joy to heal Geronimo from his injuries. Even if it’s dark already, the lights in Viridian City are surprisingly bright. Sitting on a bench, Arndolfr has been trying to start writing on his journal for a while now, but because of Eleanor’s antics, he couldn’t focus on what he was doing.

At last, he grew tired of it. Pulling Eleanor’s Pokéball from his pocket, he said, “Eleanor, I think you’ve had enough exercise for today. Get in and get some rest.”

Eleanor glowed red as she was sucked in her Pokéball. Arndolfr then put the Pokéball back in his pocket and was finally able to write something.

Journal Entry #652


This is it! We have finally arrived in the Kanto Region!


Although I’ll miss the cool breeze in Twinleaf Town, I couldn’t say that I can’t get used to the weather here in Kanto. To be honest, I’m actually loving the warmer climate here. And I think it would be a better environment for Geronimo to grow up in if he would want to get stronger.


Before I forget, Prof. Oak warned me about an evil organization that operates here in the Kanto Region. For now, no one knows for sure what they call themselves, and to be honest, I think they don’t really make much of a threat, but then again, I can’t be too complacent. Tomorrow morning, I shall head to the Pokémart and buy a few supplies I might need just in case I end up in a sticky situation.


I bumped into that guy I saw leaving Prof. Oak’s laboratory with a Pikachu in the Pokémon Center (well, he bumped into me). Apparently, his name is Ash Ketchum. I think they had it rough in Route 1 this afternoon, unlike me. But I think Ash and his Pikachu are gonna be great friends. It’s just a pity that he didn’t think of a nickname for the Pikachu. If it were me, I’d call him Zachary.


Last thing, I also met a new friend today. Eleanor really likes to Peck a lot of things, but I think that’s just her personality. One day, if she wants to become strong, she might have the strongest Peck attack in the world. A pity, however, because I’m not really into battling at the moment.


“Ah yes, don’t you think it’s a bit too late for a young trainer like you to be out on the streets at this time?”

Arndolfr looked up and saw a tall guy with long green hair and a black and white cap standing in front of him. He looked as though he had been watching him write on his journal for a long while now.

“Well, I – wait, how did you know I am a trainer?” Arndolfr responded.

The green-haired guy crossed his arms. “It is clear that you posses the formula for being a Pokémon Trainer. I could see it in you. However, it is my deepest regret that I still don’t know if your bonds with your Pokémon are strong enough to withstand the formulae of other trials and tribulations that will meet you on your journey.”

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