Chapter 1

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Chapter One

"Mam pleaseee, just come and pick me up pleasee, it is so crap here.. Yeah I know term hasn't even started yet but I know its going to be crap here... I just know okay mum? .. No I haven't really met anyone yet, but I know the type here, posh, snobby, rich and thats just to start... If you don't come I'll be on the first train home tomorow... I don't care if you won't let me in... Oh bugger off mam." I hanged up on her, she didn't understand what I was going through, no one did.

"Well you know, we're not all posh, snobby and rich here," I spun around, staring at me was a long, blonde haired girl, she was tall and quite pretty I suppose, I was suprised to see she was smiling.

I blushed, so turned away from her to hide it, "Well I need proof of that," I said bluntly, I didn't have to be nice to her, this was none of her buisness.

We were in the common room. It was empty until she had entered. All the girls had been told to meet here to get there dorm numbers, three to a dorm apparently, brilliant, two posh snobs and me.

"What room you in?" She carried on, as if I hadn't been rude to her.

"Well I don't know yet do I?, we were meant to wait and get them here weren't we?" I again said coldly.

"Well did you not wonder why no one was in here then?" She answered. Smart Ass. I merely shrugged, still turned away from her.

"I'm Kimberley by the way," Did I care who she was? "Whats your name? I might recognise what room your be in?

I reluctantly replied, "Cheryl,"

"Cheryl Tweedy?" She asked. Stalker much?


"That's so weird, your in my dorm with me and another girl, Sarah, she's great your love her." She smiled broadly.

Doubt It. I stayed silent. She could tell she wasn't going to get anywhere with me, I'm suprised she didn't just walk out, "Well I'll be going, If you need any help or anything just ask me, see you tonight I guess,"

"Yeah I guess, bye." I didn't feel bad, as she walked out the door she came in.  I didn't ask her to talk to me, bugger off girl, I hate this dump and plan to spend most of my time figuring out a way home, not wasting my time, ' making friends.' I'd be out of here soon, mark my words.

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