19: The Gerard Way Hate Club

Start from the beginning

Although, if Gerard was a witch he would probably have something better to waste his life away with than actually doing his job, or well, fucking up his friendships and having sex with married men, as that was what had brought on this mess.

Because quite an awful lot had gone on in the past few days: an awfully horrible lot of awfully horrible things, and it was of course, all his fault.

The three people he found himself forced into avoiding were Frank, Brian, and Lindsey - Frank, he hadn't spoken to since the incident with Chantal, and was now pretty sure that Frank was making an extra effort to avoid him, which led him to accept that maybe he had just fucked things up with Frank, and that was that.

And Brian, Brian who he'd gone to when he was upset: Brian, who he'd ended up fucking, and it had fucked him up in the head, but once he'd left he'd had little on his mind besides guilt, of course until he realised he'd left his school I.D. card there, in Brian's bedroom, and of course, he'd only realised he'd left it once Brian had called him up after his wife had found him. Brian was pissed at him, even though it wasn't solely his fault, but still, Brian was married, hopefully still, because Mrs Molko was pissed and very much suspected that something had gone on considering their history, but she couldn't exactly confirm her suspicions, and perhaps that was everything keeping that ring on Brian's finger, although it didn't seem like he valued it all that much anymore.

Gerard had found himself avoiding him ever since he'd cornered him at smoking spot and gotten dangerously close to slapping him for ruining his marriage, which technically, yes, Gerard had done, but it wasn't like Brian hadn't had anything to do with Gerard sleeping with him. Brian didn't seem to see that anymore.

Lindsey, though, he hadn't fucked things up with her directly, it was just the matter of being in a fucked up state of mind and acting 'suspicious', and that there were of course rumours, and then also the fact that he was pretty sure she'd told Chantal not to speak to him anymore, because Chantal really wasn't the kind of person to blank people for no reason, but he was just trying to prevent fucking things up further, and just like that, Gerard found himself having cutting off all the friendships he had at school, and sat alone in his room at break time, actually doing some paperwork as he glared at the smoke alarm every once in a while like it caused him personal offense.

He most certainly couldn't risk going outside to smoke and risk running into Frank and/or Brian, fuck, he wouldn't even be surprised if the two had formed an unlikely friendship based on their shared hatred of him, fuck, they might even have pioneered the Gerard Way hate club, which Lindsey would soon become a member of, as well as those fifteen year olds who'd looked personally offended when he told them they couldn't just walk out of his class because they didn't want to be there (honestly Gerard had wanted nothing more for them to walk out, but he didn't want to create even more shit for himself, honestly he couldn't be bothered with it all anymore).

Life sucked.

Life fucking sucked.

And Gerard wanted, no, fucking needed a cigarette, and he was in fact even getting dangerously close to just getting up and ripping the smoke alarm out of the ceiling and chain-smoking the entire packet of cigarettes at his desk - he might get fired for that- actually, he took a moment to remember that this school was run by Brendon Urie before promptly getting to his feet and just taking the bottom off the smoke alarm and taking out the batteries.

He placed the batteries down on his desk and leaned back in his chair, clicking his lighter somewhat tentatively, almost as if the smoke alarm would somewhat retain its magical fire sensing powers, even after the batteries had been taken out, before putting a cigarette to his lips and lighting it, and seriously, sitting there at his desk, just fucking smoking was the best thing he'd experienced in days, but he had had some pretty fucking shitty days so there wasn't really all that much in the way of competition.

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