Chapter 38 - Sunset Kiss

Start from the beginning

"How long have you guys been together for?" Layla asked.

"A month." Rohan and I said in unison.

"Only a month?" Layla and Aayush asked in unison.

"You guys seem like you've together for longer." Layla said.

"What about you two?" I asked.

"Three years." Aayush said.

"Actually, three years four months and twelve days." Layla corrected him.

"Yeah that long." Aayush laughed.

I think, it's time I told Layla that whatever she knows about me and Rohan should only stay till her and Aayush and no one else should find out.

"Layla?" I began.


"You know this thing about Rohan and I dating, please keep it between us. I can't risk my family knowing about us otherwise you know how they are."

"Chill, I'm from the same family, I know. I mean this is a give and take situation. You keep my secret and I'll keep yours." She smiled and I felt much better. "Are we in the same room? We haven't talked to each other in years; there is so much I want to tell you!"

"No, you and Aayush are booked for one room" Rohan said eavesdropping from the front. "Consider yourselves lucky because the rest of the lovers - like us - got split up."

I laughed at his helplessness, "Ignore him - you can come into Alina and my room; the bed is huge."

"Oh goodie." She clapped her hands like a four year old.

The rest of the ride back to the hotel consisted of our careers, Bollywood movies and as boring as it may sound, the share market.

I learnt that Layla had actually done a journalism course and was actually a journalist for BBC News. On the other hand Aayush was actually a Forex Trader - explains the talk about the share market between him and Rohan. We talked about how we used to steal our guy-cousin's candy when we were young and only give it back to him after he did our homework for us. Ah, those were the days.


Ria's cousin, Layla and Aayush seemed like chilled people, they were ok with our relationship - I mean why would they not be? They're in one too - so Ria was freaking out for no reason at all. Typical.

We reached the hotel at two-thirty in the afternoon and all of Alina's family was there ready to welcome the couple - or maybe it was just Aayush but they kind of had to be nice to Layla too since she was his girlfriend.

Once the 'welcoming ceremony' was over and they'd left to go inside I took Ria and pulled her to the cafe. I was starving like mad and I'm sure she was too.

"Easy there." She said as I stuffed the food down my mouth. "Eat slowly, no one's chasing you."

I eased up on the eating.

"So what do you want to do next?" We had the rest of the day and tomorrow to roam around but couldn't think of what to do.

"Let's go on a tour!" She suggested. It wasn't a bad idea I mean better then trying to navigate our own way around the city.

"Cool, I'll ask the reception about where to book and all, and we'll go tomorrow." I wiped my face with a tissue and got up to leave.

She giggled a bit.

"What?" I asked.

She gestured me to sit back down. I did.

grabbing a tissue, she wiped my nose and laughed. I must have got some on there - this is what happens when you're really hungry and you stuff yourself with food. We both began laughing like mad.

The rest of the day we spent wondering around in the hotel and the garden.

It was time for the sun to set so we headed off to see that.

We stood there hand in hand, her head softly placed on my shoulders and watched the sun set. She looked up at me as if she was waiting for something. I slowly bent a little down and placed my lips on hers. Her soft, strawberry flavoured lips indulged my rough, dry lips. I grabbed her head - softly - as she threw her hands around my shoulders and our delicate kiss turned into an intense make out session. We didn't care about our surrounding and kept indulging ourselves into one another. It's been so long since we expressed ourselves in such a way - but it's important that we do every now and then - according to science it's good for our mental health or something.

We enjoyed this moment until the sun set and the stars shone upon us.

"So, Mr. Sharma, where are we having dinner?" She asked as we pulled away. All this kissing does make you hungry.

"Does your room have a kitchen?" I asked, I didn't want to go out for dinner since we've eaten out all day anyways. I felt like cooking today.

"Yep." She said and we headed off to her room.


A/N: Hello people! I'm back with a quick update! Mainly becuase I was at home for the last couple of days until exams wrapped up at my school, so I had time to write! Anyways, here it is! The next chapter! I honestly love the title of the chapter although it has barely anything to do with the chapter itself (hehehe). I just want to thank you all for the lovely comments you'll are writing <3 it really encourages me to write more! So once again, if you liked this chapter then don't forget to, vote, comment and spread the word <3

XOXO Yashriii

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