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A/N: for those of you that requested to have your character put in, i cant put them in this chapter but they will be in the next ones, unless you can each come up with a dare for your character to do...if you do then just let me know and ill add them into this one...

twilight: okay so we have a BIG dare, each and every character in this book has a dare they MUST do, and the main dare is to have a giant party, sonic and silver (he is visiting for this chapter) has to drink as much beer as they can and see who drinks the most....oh gawd...

sonic and silver: YES!

amy and blaze: *smacks them* what are you so happy about!?!? we dont need drunkards around here!

sonic and silver: hehehe i mean...uh SERIOUSLY WE HAVE TO DO THAT???

amy and blaze: *rolls eyes* whatever....

shadow: whats my dare? 

chloe: shadows dare is he has to *wispers in his ear* spike the punch...

shadow: *smiles evilly* hahaha! this will be fun!

everyone: O.O oh no...

nicki-r: tails your dare is for you and cream to kiss at midnight

tails and cream: *blushes*

nikki: amy your dare is to sing bad blood at the party...


emma: twilight your dare has a few in it...

1) give up your katanas-

twilight: NEVER!

Emma: dont inturrupt its rude....anyway

2) kiss shadow at midnight

3) *wispers* play a prank on everyone

4) you are dared to make out with Fleetway

twilight: WHAT!?!?!??!?

shadow: NO WAY!!!!!!!

everyone: THATS CRAZY!!!!!

emma: a dare is a dare *shrugs*

blade: okay blaze your dare is to make up a song and sing it...

blaze: really??? okay ^.^

razor: manic your dare is to tell your crush your feelings at midnight

manic: WHAT!?!?!

hero: *blushes*

manic: i cant do that!

twilight: yes you can besides its a dare....

manic: *passes out*

sticks: knuckles you have to where a pink frilly dress and scream "im a girl"

knuckles: *passes out*

sticks: the aliens have taken over!!!!!!!!!!

sonic: *rolls eyes* anyway sticks and sonia your dare is to trap *wispers* sera and jay in the closet together....

sonia and sticks: yes!!!

amy: and rouge your dare is to kiss your crush at midnight, and to help with any other dares tht might need help with...

rouge: *smirks* can do hun!

me: okay now time for ocs dares muhahahaha! 

everyone: O.O

me: dont worry they arent that bad...maybe...

chloe] your dare is to kiss the first guy you see at the party...

hero] your dare is to *wispers* make manic jelly

nikki] yours is to kick silver in the butt

nicki-r] yours is to *whispers* push sonic in the swimming pool

razor] yours is to kiss amy when sonics not paying attention and make him mad

blade] you *wispers* have to kidnap twilight and pretend to be memphilis to freak her and shadow out...

yasmine] your dare is to be the DJ and play your favorite song

sera] you are dared to kiss your crush at midnight and to give up your scythe for the day

jay] you are dared to kiss YOUR crush at midnight and tell her you love her

shade] you have two dares, *whispers* you have to help blade kidnap twilight and scare her and shadow, and two you have to kiss Naomi at midnight and tell her something special

kiera] your dare is to tie sonic up and hang him from the ceiling until he isnt drunk anymore and then you have to leave him there until he gets out...

naomi] your dare is to kick scourge and pour beer on his head...

emma] your dare is to 1) help kiera tie sonic up and 2) *whispers* pie shadow....

everyone: O.o O.O O////O ^.^ XD -_-* -.- 

manic: *wakes up* what did i miss? and why are you all looking weird???

everyone: this is gonna be crazy....

me: so this is part 1 of the dare, its a very big one so it might stretch a few chapters... well see ya in the next one! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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