sonic is a teacher for the day

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sonic: *smirks* ok we have a dare guys!
amy: whats up??
shadow: what faker!!
twighlight: ignore him hes just grouchy....
sonic: the dare is i get to teach you all a class today *smirks bigger* hehe
knuckles: this is just great!!! *sarcastic*
sticks: how wonderful....-_-
blaze: ugh!...what are you going to teach us??? how to be an idiot like you??
everyone but sonic: *laughs* burn!!!
sonic: -_- whatever.............
everyone: *sitts down to listen to him*
sonic: were gonna learn how to be an idiot like.....................shadow.... hehe *smirkes*
shadow: *growls and stands up* no were gonna lern how to kill sonic with a live demonstration....*cracks knuckles*
sonic: *whacks him with a ruler* be good or you will get detention!!!
shadow: your so stupid....
sonic: o yeah well on the end of this ruler is an idiot! *poins ruler at him*
everyone: oooooooooooo!!!
sonic: *smirks*
shadow: *smirks back* at which end is the idiot on???
everyone: hahahahahaha!!!! you got told!!! *walks out talking about shadows comeback*
sonic: *growles* i will get him back one day!!
thats all for now but dont forget to ask and dare my roses :)

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